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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • If you read the court documents this child is clearly on the spectrum, the parents ignored his symptoms for years and just allowed tons of unrestricted screen access. Then when the consequences of their actions hit them they shift the blame elsewhere because it couldn’t possibly be their shitty parenting. This has been going on for decades, first it was comic books, then it was rock music, then it was violent television, now it’s video games.

  • Do you not realize that bullets go through walls? Luckily it was contained but could have easily turned into a tragedy if some toddler sleeping next door gets hit by a stray bullet. You are arguing semantics, just because it happened at someone’s home instead of public doesn’t not make it a mass shooting. You just want the numbers to look better so you can ignore certain types of gun violence. When in reality it should be lumped together because it is a systematic problem that needs to be fixed.