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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • I liked the remakes of 2 and 3, and 4.

    5 and 6 were fun to play co-op. I generally prefer third person games, which is why I haven’t played 7.

    5 was over the top, and I like how in 6, there was a marked difference between playing as Ada, Leon vs the more action heavy Chris playthrough.

    They could do another game like 6 but go harder with that concept of picking your play style.

  • It really is that bad. Watch the videos of Biden from the Democratic convention in 2008 if anyone has any doubts.

    I remember in 2015 I thought the most pathetic ballot would be Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush because it would be like we lived in a hereditary monarchy. I had no idea how bad Trump was and underestimated him bigly.

    Still, since we know fascism is characterized by the near worship of a strongman leader, I’m perfectly fine taking the opposite approach. If Biden is in cognitive decline, so what? As long as his administration continues to do good work, his administration gets my vote.

  • They did great with Metroid Dread, putting a new spin on an old classic.

    I have some faith that they won’t just be rehashing an old formula and that this “Beyond” aspect will have some gameplay twists.

    This trailer seems meant to reassure those of us who have been waiting decades for a true successor to Prime that “yes, in fact this is it”.

    I expect we will see more trailers as it gets closer, teasing some of the new story and gameplay innovations once they are more polished.

  • I’ll layer on to the other replies which are spot on…

    One reason I’ve soured on hydrogen is that it’s overall much less efficient than battery as an energy storage mechanism.

    This is a really in depth article about a study that found that “well to wheel” efficiency of battery EVs was 70-80% and with hydrogen it’s 25-30%.

    I was initially excited about hydrogen as energy storage for renewable sources, but battery tech has improved and is improving.

    Also, one of the major advantages of a BEV for me is the ability to charge at home, possibly from energy generated by my own panels. Even if there were solutions for me to generate my own hydrogen, I’d rather lose 20-30% of that energy with a BEV than lose 70-75% with a FCEV.

  • I’m not sure it’s true that the Israeli government doesn’t care about American public opinion, since they do benefit from American military support, but let’s assume what you said is true.

    Even if Americans protesting won’t stop the genocide, won’t end apartheid, I’d prefer that those atrocities are not committed with my tax dollars, with support from my government, in my name. The lesson learned from 9/11 shouldn’t have been “we need to enact regime change anywhere in the world where American interest are opposed”. It should have been “Americans better make sure they are OK with the things that their government is doing abroad”.

    I’m not OK with it, I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that Gaza can be levelled with “made in America” munitions. I’m not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that oil companies and other big business interests have friendly regimes to collude with in the region as they scam the people out of their resources and freedoms.

  • This is a good point, I’m more inclined to support a unionized company. Still… my understanding is that GM and Ford (and others) all circumvent unionization by manufacturing (to some extent) in Mexico. I guess it depends on the individual car. I’m supportive of Federal and State EV incentives that prioritize made in the US, unionized manufacturing.

  • Yeah, this is my dilemma. I have heard positive things about Ford and GM in regards to them making it easier to skip the dealership, so that at least addresses the convenience factor. Another factor in wanting to avoid the dealership is that I don’t trust their business model where they sell you a car that they want you to bring in regularly for maintenance. I’d rather buy from a company that doesn’t see vehicle service as a revenue opportunity. Does that apply to Tesla? I’m not sure, but I know that’s how the traditional dealership model works so it’s hard to trust those companies.