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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • In my personal experience, basically no insurance in America is worth anything.

    Nothing you would actually need insurance to cover ends up being covered, or, it covers a huge portion of an absurd cost which is only so absurd because of basically a corrupt cost inflation feedback loop between insurers and providers that you end up personally paying prices that are absurd to all but the very well off.

    It ends up just being further cost requirements to basically exist, which means if you are poor fuck you, die.

    Oh you want to challenge your insurance and force them to actually cover something?

    Hire a lawyer! Those are cheap!

  • I’m from the wet side of the PNW and we have all of those as well, excepting possibly northern widows, I’ve not heard of those.

    I’ve spent weeks in cabins and lived in houses and apartments all over WA.

    Every single time I have ever seen a spider in a house or apartment, its been something that is totally harmless to humans.

    Out in the boonies? Sure, thats where you’ll actually run into some dangerous things.

    That being said, I’ve never lived in MN, perhaps dangerous spiders are a more serious threat in urban/suburban areas, and yeah, climate change fucks up everything.

    Something absolutely absurd started happening a few years ago, right in the middle of Seattle, like 2 blocks from a main road:


    I’ve seen coyotes out in the foothills occasionally, on trails far from cities, in the brush on the east side of the state.

    But… basically that heat wave a few years back, and wildfires and droughts managed to drive a population of coyotes into residential areas of Seattle, likely hunting the rabbits.

    That was pretty stunning to me.

  • Unless I am mistaken, aren’t basically every kind of Tarantula you can keep as a pet non venomous?

    I’m the kind of person that’ll take basically any kind of spider save a black widow and just put it outside while my gf is screaming at 115db to murder it and will then be angry with me for 3 days that I didn’t.

    Poor tarantula.

    Oh right, this ‘politician’ is an amazing argument for lowering housing costs such that people can afford studios instead of living with crazy ‘main character’ people like this.

  • Sure!


    I am on mobile but the url should fix itself.

    Another running bit he does is…

    Ok, so he calls it a ‘special version’ of Lauren Boebert’s autobiography.

    I think what this means its that the only editorializing is that he adds ‘It was like a fairy tale.’ at the end of all of the maybe couple of pages he reads, which presumably would not actually be in the actual book.

    But you see, I cannot actually tell how much of the rest of what he is reading is direct from the book and hammed up for effect.

    She comes across as having the writing ability of maybe an 8th grader… and the stories are so absolutely absurd… but the problem is that Lauren Boebert is so fucking absurd, I cannot reliably draw a line between what Boebert has written, and what Campbell is hamming up.

    Its … its like reading a diary of the villain from mean girls, except she’s a hick, regularly does crimes, has the trashiest life imaginable, she has infinite self confidence and is somehow self aware but also not self aware at the same time.

  • This would happen in a just world.

    It won’t though.

    Reminds me of the recent millionaire guy who got lambasted on YT (i think his actual posts were on TikTok?).

    Guys, I am going to lock up my money, my phone have no contacts and go to a new city and start from nothing and earn a million dollars in 30 or 90 days or something.

    Whoah big surprise, a few weeks in he has to call the whole thing off for health reasons.

    OMG he got robbed? Lost his paper work and thus couldn’t get the right aid? The shelters are full? Sleeping outside in a city is extremely dangerous and unhealthy? Your hygiene suffers? No one talks to you or treats you like a human being?

    In a just world we’d put the income tax levels back to around FDR levels and thus be able to actually fund social programs and eliminate a great deal of the wealthy’s massive over representation in politics.

    Instead it looks like we will be making a b-line toward theocratic corporatocracy.


    Edit: Income and Corporate tax levels.

  • Ya’ll should watch some of his ‘broadcasts’.

    Not, like, the whole things.

    Tommy Campbell’s YT channel does basically recaps of the stupidest shit the stupid MAGA clowns do and… well Mr. Lindell features quite often.

    Lindell is basically the most perfect stereotype for a loser idiot boomer that lucked his way into being a business owner, and he is of course astoundingly technically incompetent.

    There are at this point running gags with a number of words that he seemingly is incapable of pronouncing correctly, the guy produces moron clips at such a rate Im surprised he isnt a number of widely used meme formats.

  • I get that it sucks to not be able to contact your kid via phone at school…

    But this is a good move.

    First, I’m gonna be blunt here, even in the event of a school shooting or other emergency, having vs not having a personal phone is not likely to make a difference. Teachers, Admin Staff and offices have phones. Parents can call the school, School can call parents. Staff have training, procedures and supplies for personal medical emergencies.

    I grew up as cellphones were becoming a thing. I was in highschool when the Razr was the coolest thing you could have.

    Pulling out a phone in class? Warning. Do it again? Confiscated till the end of the period. Recieve an actually important call? Go outside the classroom and take the call so as not to disrupt the class.

    It is not like that any more.

    There are many schools and classes these days where basically all the kids are using their phones basically all the time to the point that actually teaching/learning is impossible unless you want to confiscate the whole classes phones… and that does not work because often some students or most of the class will become physically violent to prevent this from happening.

    Cell phone free classrooms make teaching and learning significantly easier.

    They would not be taking this drastic of a step if cellphone usage by students was not seriously negatively impacting the ability to educate them.