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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023

  • I am absolutely certain that experts have looked at it, and come to different conclusions.

    I’ll even go as far as to accept that there is no scientific consensus.

    However, seeing that we keep outputting more and more co2, we need to do something drastic, fossil plants are one of the biggest sources of co2, so it makes sense to shut them down as soon as possible.

    Nuclear power doesn’t really produce co2, the radiation is a local, limited problem, co2 emmisions is a global, existential problem.

    Renewables are still not ready to deal with base load in a power grid long term, hydro power messes with local fish and environment, solar doesn’t work during the night, wind is quite unpredictable, batteries degrade over time and can’t supply AC without extra equipment.

    So what is left but Nuclear power?

    Nothing, nuclear power will buy us time to develop reliable renewable power while cutting our co2 emmissions drasticly.

  • Right now I am on vacation, my work phone stays at home with an empty battery.

    They still have my private number if it is an absolute disaster at work and they need my help, but untill sunday evening I won’t even charge my work phone, let alone check it for messages/calls.

    Work apps stay on the work phone, the ONLY exception to that rule I will ever make is work MFA apps.

    But I’d sooner get a new separate phone for that if I don’t get a company phone.