The Nashville district attorney called on Wednesday for the Tennessee legislature to make it easier to commit someone to a mental institution after a man who was previously released for incompetence to stand trial was accused of shooting an 18-year-old college student in the head.

Belmont University student Jillian Ludwig, of New Jersey, was walking on a track in a local park when she was shot and critically wounded at about 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to the Metro Nashville Police. They arrested Shaquille Taylor, 29, after surveillance video and witness statements pointed to him as the shooter.

“Taylor was shooting at a car when a bullet hit Ludwig in the head as she walked on a track in a park across the street,” police said on social media when announcing the arrest Wednesday.

    10 months ago

    Byberry opened in 1907 and closed in 1990.

    Trans-Allegheny opened in 1863 and closed in 1994.

    Willard Asylum opened in 1869 and closed in 1995.

    Danvers opened in 1878 and closed in 1985.

    These are just a few in the institutions that closed. As you can see the buildings were extremely old, so refurbishing/rebuilding them without fed funding (Reagan cut it in 1981) was impossible without massive tax increases neither the feds or states wanted.

    The stories attached also tell of abuses that occured in each institution.

      10 months ago

      refurbishing/rebuilding them without fed funding (Reagan cut it in 1981) was impossible without massive tax increases


      Reagan cut funding as part of his “trickle down fails yet again like it always has” and that is why they weren’t funded. No increase was needed, slashing funding was the problem. Don’t repeat Reagan’s lies.