I’m using swapping services constantly to pay for goods and services that normally don’t accept xmr directly.
Mostly i need usdt TRC or ERC for that since it’s the most widely used currency that also has low fees and high transaction speed. I’ve used nearly all the services you can find on sites like kycnot.me and xmrguide.org.
My favorites from usability were definitely fixedfloat and Sideshift. Though fixedfloat mostly doesn’t have xmr listed and the site doesn’t work on Tor. Sideshift just completely removed xmr and so now I’m stuck with using changenow, which I’m not a fan of.
I want a onion based swapping service (or at least Tor friendly) that has the xmr-usdt pairs. I also need fixed exchanges so the exact amount of funds enter the receivers wallet.
Been really annoyed over this and wish to find a new swapping service to stick with.
If you have any suggestions please)
Check out the services on kycnot.me, there are a ton, some good some not and tye maintainer of that site is really good at helping you understand the details