Version longue en français:

Several ISPs in France have started censoring via their DNS resolver.

Why are they doing this? I guess officially they’ll say it’s because of Russian propaganda about Ukraine, and that’s partially correct.

But also worth pointing out is that despite very uncritical propaganda from the regime about what happens in Russia, RT is one of the only mass media (non-independent publication) where you can have decent news about social uproar in France (gilets jaunes, anti-police-abuse riots, etc).

We haven’t reached the point where posts to RT are censored on social media (where it’s most popular) so i can’t exactly say we have “one side” to the news yet but it’s getting closer.

This message is both a fuck you to french ISPs engaging in censorship (remember Sci-Hub? TPB?) and a reminder to all the Putin fanboys around here what “there’s only one side to the news” really means: Russia is already there (there’s a few independent publications but they’ve been struggling for years with State censorship and journalist assassinations) and France is getting closer (on the other side of the narrative). The rest of you who live in countries with more free speech can’t even realize what information control means so please don’t take these words lightly.

    3 years ago

    You calling something “hardly” does not matter. After all, Ukraine is also just 1 country by your logic, just like Spain, right?

    My point was rather that Spain is in the far west of Europe and therefore I would hardly call it eastward expansion.

    I meant 1949 and not 1959 to demonstrate NATO expansion

    Makes more sense in that case, especially considering Greece and Turkey.

    Also, I think, one can debate whether German reunification in 1990 counts as expansion since the 2+4 treaty states that no NATO troops may be placed permanently in eastern Germany and as far as I know this was not violated yet.

      3 years ago

      My point was rather that Spain is in the far west of Europe and therefore I would hardly call it eastward expansion.

      To the east of US and UK, the colonial masters of Anglosphere, is everything else on the east side of theirs. Hence it is eastwards expansion, but I can see why you are arguing semantically in bad faith.


      According to historical research, Stepan Bandera was an agent of the Abwehr (intelligence and counterintelligence of the Armed forces of Nazi Germany - the Wehrmacht). According to several sources, in early 1941, he held a number of meetings with the leadership of the German military intelligence, which resulted in the beginning of the formation of the battalions “Nachtigall” and “Roland”.

      Why is your username nachtigall?