Happy New Year hackers !!!

A few days ago we released secator on GitHub, which is a new CLI aimed at improving productivity for pentesters.


secator is a Python-based swiss-knife tool that standardizes input / output for many recon (& others) tools that you use daily, like ffuf, subfinder, nmap, nuclei, … and many others. Input options are mutualized amongst tools of the same category, and the output format is always structured: JSON lines, JSON, CSV, Google Sheets, you can pick.

secator is also a workflow automator: we have a set of out-of-the-box workflows that you can use (run secator w to list them); and you can write custom workflows as well in YAML format.

I recommend you give it a try (pip install secator) and let us know your feedback and questions below this post.

Cheers !

  • Cuicui@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Secator stands out not only for its ability to identify and address security vulnerabilities but also for the team’s responsiveness and availability. The software’s user-friendly interface and robust capabilities make it a crucial asset for protecting digital systems. Highly recommended for its efficiency, comprehensive solutions, and excellent support. Thanks for all !