A swastika was left on a wall of the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza in Philadelphia

A Holocaust memorial in Philadelphia has been vandalised with a swastika as acts of antisemitism continue to rise across the country.

The Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza said in a post that earlier this weekend, an unidentified figure vandalised a wall of the plaza, drawing a large swastika.

The memorial’s post described it as “a disgusting act of antisemitism that comes amid a staggering spike in anti-Jewish hatred across Philadelphia and the country more broadly”.

While the swastika graffiti has been removed from the wall, according to NBC, the organisation is asking anyone who may have any information about the vandalism to contact the Philadelphia Police Department.

  • ULS@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    There’s no conspiracy. There’s no “oh it’s just some teenagers.” It’s all real, it’s all happening.

    Humans are not special or immune. People are guided by mass media and marketing and it disproves the false taught pride and righteousness. We aren’t special. We die. We bleed. We suffer. “We” lead with ignorance arrogance of chaos.

    Or something?

    • yggstyle@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      This is what happens when you blur the lines between news and ‘storytelling.’

      News is boring, unbiased, dry facts. Media wants to make you watch it. Media needs you to need it. Keep em scared. Keep them fragmented. Keep them stupid.

      Small rant:

      Americans aren’t a single solitary mass of people… no more than any other group. Most of us are just on the train we were born on with about 0 say in where those tracks (and consequently momentum) is taking us.

      Vote? You get to pick between two awful choices which need to moderate just enough to get some of the other guys votes. Both suck equally. Third party has 0 chance of winning. Neither matters because they are paid for by mega corp x and the religion of line-goes-up.

      It pains me to say it but our best chance is in the next 10-15 years where most of these ancient fucking do nothing’s in congress are relegated to nursing homes and obituaries. But that only helps a bit. During that time we need a proper failure of the banking and existing bubble markets to bring about a crash that will more or less make the great depression look like a joke. Change comes with unification. Unification comes when suffering outweighs bais.

      We’re not there yet.

      20-30 years before we get the next ‘experiment’

      The wounds will be fresh enough to drive change and the damage will be sufficient enough to reinforce any positive movements.

      …But for now we’re just stuck on the tracks created by a generation that is bigger than us, watching their bubble economy implode, and being saddled with the debt that it bears. This is the death of an era and we’re just along for the ride.

      • ULS@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago


        On another thought; Something I’ve been thinking a lot of the last couple years is that I feel it’s intentional. I wish I could get it out of my head. But I feel like we’ve all been suckered into this false story of glory. It never was.

        There’s line in the movie Leave the World Behind that I really liked. It was talking about the Friends TV show.

        “It’s almost as if it’s nostalgic for a time that never existed.”