Hey y’all!

I am after the colelctive expertise of this fantastic community. My family and i are moving overseas for a year for a pacific adventure, which leaves my hosting setup in a bind. We will be renting out our house and i will need to move all of my ‘servers’ (read laptop and NAS) out.

All of my services are in docker.

My main services that i MUST keep are:

  • Immich
    • 600Gb or so
    • very important as we will be taking a HEAP of photos.
  • paperless
  • vaultwarden
  • custom location tracking service
  • radicale

I would also like to make it so that all of my media is still available, but i may need to get a set up at a friends house. I have jellyfin plus a bunch of *arr’s

I was thinking a mix between at a mates house and a cloud server.

any thoughts?

edit: a lot of my services are exposed publicly, via Nginx proxy manager.

  • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
    6 months ago

    Their IP address is already “exposed to the world.” I keep seeing people recommending this pattern in this community for the same reason. But I genuinely don’t understand it. It sounds like one of those VPN ads frankly.

    Your IP address is not private.

    I did state “beyond their normal traffic”. And you do realize there’s a significant difference between exposing your IP as a client and exposing your IP as one that has servers hosted behind it, right? It’s not about protecting that or keeping it secret. It’s about not putting a target on their friend’s IP address for all the bots and script kiddies to hit.