
The [tunnel’s] accelerants cure the grout that seals the tunnel’s concrete supports, helping the grout set properly and protecting the work against cracks and other deterioration. They also seriously burn exposed human skin. At the Encore dig site, such burns became almost routine, workers there told Nevada’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration. An investigation by the state OSHA, which Bloomberg Businessweek has obtained via a freedom of information request, describes workers being scarred permanently on their arms and legs. According to the investigation, at least one employee took a direct hit to the face. In an interview with Businessweek, one of the tunnel workers recalls the feeling of exposure to the chemicals: “You’d be like, ‘Why am I on fire?’”

    7 months ago

    Yup, he did the same with Cali HSR. Even most current day negative statements about it are just parroted about things he said years ago. “It’s too expensive”, “it is going over it’s timelines”, “no one will use it”.

    Which, newsflash to people saying that, all major infrastructure projects have that said about them. Look at the Chunnel now, or most suspension bridges and tunnels in the US. They always go over budget, they are always delayed, only some people think they’re useful, but after they’re built people think “how did we ever live without this?”

    Facts are that Elon owns a car company, so he’ll say anything negative about any project that isn’t going to put more cars on the road. HSR, Vegas subways, BART, he just wants us to buy more Tesla’s at the expense of our own convenience and deserved infrastructure