Look 0 of my work involves HTML, well maybe 1-2 percent does; however, about 60% of my work involves regular expressions, grammar, lexical scanning and syntactic parsing, so it still irks me, and will irk me beyond my grave, when people say shit like ‘Don’t parse HTML/Markdown/etc with regex! Use a parser generator!’

So this is stupid, because most people know that HTML and Markdown are not the type of languages that require a push-down parser, or even a simple LL(1) recursive-descent parser! Unless by ‘parser generator’ they mean ‘lexer generator’ or ‘PEG generator’, they are wrong, or at least, partly incorrect.

Like my diabetes, they are not grammatically Type 2 (Chomsky-wise, Context-Free); rather, they are Type 3 (Chomsky-wise, Regular).

It’s preferred if you don’t do a syntax-directed lexical translation of Markdown or HTML, and it’s best if you build a tree. I learned that making Mukette and I am currently using my implementation of ASDL to build a tree. But truth is, unlike Context-Free languages, like any non-markup language, it is ENTIRELY possible to do a syntax-directed translation of HTML and Markdown, using pre-compiled, or runtime-compiled regex.

You will have to introduce states to make it a proper Automata, but even that is not required. I once did a syntax-directed translation of Markdown to HTML in AWK! With just one extra state.

I don’t remember the copypasta that was talk of the town 10 years ago, I was a kid back then (17) and I could not dig it up. But it’s a troll that has stuck with me ever since.

Maybe, just maybe, a PEG paser generator could have been what they meant. But even then, PEG generators generate a recursive-descent parser most of the times.

In fact, I dare you to use Byacc, Btacc, Bison, Racc, PYLR, ANTLR, peg(1), leg(1), PackCC or any of these LALR or LL parser generators to parse a markup language. You’ll have a very bad time, it is not impossible, it’s just an overkill.

TL;DR: Most markup languages, like HTML or Markdown, are best lexed, not parsed! Even if you wish to make a tree out of it. But for syntax-directed translations, REs would do.


PS: If you translate a markup language into a tree, you can translate that tree into other markup languages. That’s what Pandoc does. Pandoc is hands-down the best piece of tool I have laid my hands on.

  • ChubakPDP11+TakeWithGrainOfSalt@programming.devOP
    6 months ago

    btw this is the ASDL I wrote:

    #include "mukette.h"
    static Arena *ast_scratch = NULL;
    #define ALLOC(size) arena_alloc(ast_scratch, size)
    md_linkage = Hyperlink(md_compound? name, string url)
    	  | Image(string? alt, string path)
    md_inline = Italic(md_compound italic)
    	 | Bold(md_compound bold)
    	 | BoldItalic(md_compound bold_italic)
    	 | Strikethrough(md_compound strike_through)
    	 | InlineCode(string inline_code)
    	 | Linkage(md_linkage linkage)
    	 | RegularText(string regular_text)
    md_header_level = H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 ;
    md_line = Header(md_compound text, md_header_level level)
    	| Indented(md_compound text, usize num_indents)
    	| LinkReference(identifier name, string url, string title)
    	| HorizontalLine
    md_compound = (md_inline* compound) ;
    md_table_row = (md_compound cells, size num_cell) ;
    md_table = (md_table_row* rows, size num_rows) ;
    md_ol_item = (int bullet_num, md_list_item item) ;
    md_ul_item = (char bullet_char, md_list_item item) ;
    md_list_item = TextItem(string text)
    	    | OrderedItem(md_ol_item ordered_item)
    	    | UnorderedItem(md_ul_item unordered_item)
    	    | NestedList(md_list nested_list)
    md_list = (md_list_item* items) ;
    md_block = Pargraph(md_compound* paragraph)
    	| BlockQuote(md_compound* block_quote)2
    	| CodeListing(identifier? label, string code)
    	| Table(md_table table)
    	| List(md_list list)
    	| Line(md_line line)
    markdown = (md_block* blocks) ;
    static inline void init_tree_scratch(void) { ast_scratch = arena_init(AST_ARENA_SIZE); }
    static inline void free_tree_scratch(void) { arena_free(ast_scratch); }

    I had an easier time parsing ASDL with Yacc. I still can’t tell whether a grammar is LR, LL or RE, but I can tell that Markdown is not CFG.

    I just updated ASDL: https://github.com/Chubek/ZephyrASDL

    Apologies if I am too late on the documetnation. I am still trying to improve it by using it myself. I also wish to add an Ocaml target.

    • mcmodknower@programming.dev
      5 months ago

      md_inline and md_compound use each other, and not only at the end xor the beginning of the rule, making this a non-type 3 grammar.

      Sorry for the late response, i wanted to do a better response but don’t have the time for that currently.