It’s my goddamn motherfucking mobile data and MY PHONE. I should be able to use it however I want. My wifi went down because the greedy, cunt-faced shitbags at Comcast stole taxpayer subsidies to enrich themselves instead of actually providing the service we’re paying for. I tried to switch to a mobile hotspot and my phone refuses to open one. Everyone responsible for this shit should be fed to alligators locked away in a fucking gulag. We have no rights and live in a corporate plutocracy.

    1 year ago

    Slightly different topic, but I’m just waiting for the day when all the major music companies stop allowing their artists to appear on Tidal, Spotify, etc and instead launch their own exclusive apps and streaming services. So you’ll need a Warners subscription, and a Sony subscription and a Geffen subscription and an EMI subscription…

    If it happened with TV and moves, it could happen with music too.