Hi So, I’ve had openvpn running on a raspberry pi for over a year with no problems. After some braining I concluded that I also should run pihole on the same raspberry pi. After all it’s “just a DNS resolver”. Both are running great together on the raspberry. But, I can’t administer openvpn because they both use “<IP of raspberry>/admin”, and because I installed pihole last, well I can now only administer pihole. So, how do I make one of them use something like “<ip of raspberry>/admin2” ?
I think you have two options:
. In there you can see what’s the base url to be used and other redirects it has. You just need to remember to check this file each time there’s an update, since it warns you it can be overwritten by that process.Thanks for replying. So, if I go for option 2, I should just change all instances with “admin” to “admin2”?