As resumption of educational debt repayment looms, more than 7 in 10 borrowers say they are taking on extra work, while half say they don't know whether they'll be able to make payments come October.
What about younger people who need loans? Your refusal to pay will hurt future generations by making their loans more expensive or just impossible to get.
I know that I’m personally gonna blame this one random person on the Internet for all of our student loan problems. Definitely not gonna blame all the systematic issues.
You could have just made college free for them, but you’ve already proven handily you don’t give a fuck about future generations, only yourself. So your opinion and talking points mean nothing
What about younger people who need loans? Your refusal to pay will hurt future generations by making their loans more expensive or just impossible to get.
Fuck them too?
I know that I’m personally gonna blame this one random person on the Internet for all of our student loan problems. Definitely not gonna blame all the systematic issues.
You could have just made college free for them, but you’ve already proven handily you don’t give a fuck about future generations, only yourself. So your opinion and talking points mean nothing
Who is “you” here? The previous person asked a question, and you’re blaming them directly. Unless I’m missing a previous comment thread.
Their whole - ass political faction