The Biden campaign is increasingly worried about a group that could determine an important chunk of Electoral College votes.
The Biden campaign is increasingly worried about a group that could determine an important chunk of Electoral College votes.
Stop telling Black voters you’re with them and you support them and actually do things to improve lives.
Manufacturing jobs, climate change, growth in unions
IDK maybe it’s an unimpressively short list but each one fits the brief in pretty large-scale fashion
The growth in 10th percentile wages is definitely going to disproportionately benefit black familes
To look specifically at the racial dimension, here’s an overall graph of median income broken down by race. It’s kind of not ideal that it cuts off before showing 2023, but enough that you can see that in recent years they’re squeezing together (racial income inequality going down) for the first time in quite a while – not like income at the top going down is a real great thing, but that is partly the result of Biden’s deliberate policy decision to prioritize keeping employment high over keeping inflation low, so that the pain of the Covid recovery is shared among all segments of society instead of disproportionately focused on the most vulnerable as I think most US politicians would have done.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
He’s such an idiot.