The Kids Online Safety Act is Still A Huge Danger to Our Rights Online.::Congress has resurrected the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill that would increase surveillance and restrict access to information in the name of protecting children online. KOSA was introduced in 2022 but failed to gain traction, and today its authors, Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and…

    1 year ago

    This will not do anything. Kids are typically dumb online, adventurous, but dumb online who’ll do dumb things in unpredictable fashions. It’s like putting all of those plug covers to make sure children don’t pull them off, except they will and do, prompting them to curiously stick a fork into the socket.

    That senator is more concerned about what’s online for kids, than how Republicans are actively pushing kids to work jobs that are unsafe for them. Might want to re-evaluate your priorities, dude.

    Don’t even get me started how kids have long been able to lie about their age online to get to adulterated content.