The Steam Next Fest has started for the next 6 days you get to play demo’s of unreleased games. What games are you playing or planning to play?

I’m personally interested in

Wizard with a gun: A top down shooter with crafting and co-op.

Rouge Voltage: An automation card battler? Very interesting mix of genres, hopefully the automation is fun.

Rouge Command: A simple looking RTS rougelike.

    1 year ago

    Not sure if it’s on Steam NextFest, but recently played the demo for Jumplight Odyssey, and had a lot of fun with it. Art style is great, and I enjoyed what I was able to play of the main gameplay loop. I loved FTL when it came out but always wanted a little more RPG type elements and it looks like Jumplight might scratch that itch really well. The base-building/Xcom feel is also a big plus.