Natal conference, to be held in Austin in December, promoted on far-right podcast circuit and set to host self-described eugenicists

A high-end hotel in the liberal Texan enclave of Austin is playing host to a conference whose theme is boosting global birth rates, but which will in fact feature racist and eugenicist internet personalities and far-right media figures.

The Natal conference – whose website warns that “by the end of the century, nearly every country on earth will have a shrinking population, and economic systems dependent on reliable growth will collapse” – is scheduled to be held on 1 December at the Line Hotel.

    1 year ago

    He’s right, and saying there’s too many people on the planet to live sustainably isn’t racist or a dog whistle. Suggesting that there’s too many of some specific race or class of people would absolutely be racist (or classist or some other -ist), but nobody should get a pass. Everyone helped get us into this situation and everyone should be working to solve it. While it is true that using our current factory farming methods we can produce enough food today that’s absolutely not going to be the case forever and it’s also forcing our hand with regards to using incredibly environmentally damaging and unsustainable farming methods. We have to use factory farms because we literally couldn’t produce enough food otherwise. Everybody should be encouraged to limit the number of children they have. And before you start, I practice what I preach, I have no children.

    Prime example one of the problem is Muskrat and his what, nearly a dozen kids? That should be completely unacceptable. There’s absolutely no reason why anyone should have more than 2 kids at worst, ideally 1 or no kids. At least until global population levels have dropped to a point where we can meet our food needs using smaller farms that don’t require truck loads of fertilizer and antibiotics and pack so many animals into such a tiny space that they can barely move.