• InverseParallax@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    Yeah, that was my bad, I’m not used to checking the user instance.

    Merkel made a catastrophic mistake in treating Russia like an rational actor, they’re not, they’re basically wh40k orks who see weakness and work themselves up into a grievance rage about how the west and everyone else is conspiring to keep Russia from its destined role as world leaders, until they finally reach a threshold and go on a Wauggh.

    Like orks, they don’t stop until their bloodlust is beaten by their fear.

    As an American, we need to give them all our weapons, free of charge, the thought of my taxes going to their rightful purpose of butchering Russians by the hundreds of thousands warms my heart.

    We need give them f35s, Ai drone swarms, everything, we need to help them exterminate every vatnik in ukrainian borders within a month.

    Alternatively, we admit we will not satisfy the Budapest memorandum and leave Ukraine to their fate.

    I’m fine with either path honestly.

    For the second path, we would be honor bound to restore the nuclear weapons Ukraine surrendered, or equivalent, I suppose a single Ohio ssbn fully loaded with tridents should suffice.

    At that point Ukraine and Russia could begin negotiations for peace.

    Personally I don’t think any of this will end until 10-20m Russians have died, it’s the only language they understand, and they’re slow there as well.

    Russia started this war to look strong to their partner China, they look far weaker than imaginable, the end game is to partition Russia, the west goes to the European sphere, the east goes to China giving them the resources and land they are so desperate for, and both sides get 50-100 years of peace.