A draft law sparks debate with locals calling it excessive and questioning how it would be enforced.

  • Blake [he/him]@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    You believe yourself better than others.

    No, I don’t at all. As I said elsewhere in this thread, I’m disabled, honestly, I find it hard to even consider myself the equal of others, but that’s a problem I just have to deal with, I suppose.

    You want all eyes on you

    Definitely not, that’s actually more like my worst nightmare. I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe in, though.

    You want to be seen as the god-king of political correctness

    If you think politely asking people to choose a better, more descriptive word instead of using an ableist slur means that someone is acting like a god-king, I wonder what a god-emperor would do…

    Otherwise you’d put your time quietly fighting real situations of ablism

    Using ableist slurs is still ableism and it doesn’t take much to oppose it. It took me about 10 seconds to write my argument.

    you don’t get the recognition and notoriety for that

    Ah yes, the ‘notoriety’ of someone whom politely suggests alternatives to using ableist slurs. I’m like a modern day Blackbeard.

    You’re quite the projectionist, by the way.

    you think I’m getting upset, but I’m having a blast

    Clearly, you’re having such a blast. I definitely didn’t trigger your emotional dysregulation because you tried to make a “logical” argument that fell apart as soon as anyone so much as looked at it. And you’re definitely not trying to overcompensate by acting like you’re just “trolling” and lying to yourself that what you’re feeling is “fun” and not stress. This is exactly what I used to do, too. Get your ego under control, dude, you’re smart and capable, you don’t need to respond like this to every perceived slight. Trust me.

    • DLSchichtl@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Ah, the classic “no u” move. It’s not as much fun if you are just going to regurgitate my comments tho.

      I do have fun with this. I have been poking the self-important internet bears for several decades now. It’s the one time I get to let down my mask and cut loose. It’s fun to watch people get all bent out of shape when their word is challenged. Suffice to say, its only the ones blind enough to think they are “morally right” that give the response I like. Either way, you are arguing with a brick wall. I’m a particularly hard-headed 'sperg. I don’t feel shame. It’s a foreign emotion to me. So I can’t feel bad about what I post, nor do i have any attachment to my posts. Hell I don’t even care about the argument half the time. I just have my lure out and am waiting for a whiny fish. Thanks for biting tho, it made my afternoon enjoyable!

      • Blake [he/him]@feddit.uk
        1 year ago

        Glad that you’re feeling a bit better! You’re such a master manipulator tricking me like that, very naughty :D

        Do you have anything nice planned for the weekend?