• ThrowawayOnLemmy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My rent has gone up every year like clockwork whether I get a raise or not. Landlords have never needed an excuse to raise rent, stop treading water for them.

    • HipHoboHarold@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      This is why I hate those arguments. Anytime we talk about raising wages, people complain about things getting more expensive. But what’s the plan when an hours worth of work can only get you a gallon of milk? Because without wages going up, it’s gonna get to that point. And then even high end paying jobs will still leave people in poverty. Like right now I’m making more money than I ever have. I make a little over $20 an hour. 5 years ago that sounded amazing. I also just moved in with an old roommate yesterday because me and my boyfriend can no longer afford our own place. We went form moving in to the apartment in 2020 with money being a little tight, but still having some extra for fun stuff, to the last few months I’ve been ending each month with $2-3 in my bank account.

      But now we are supposed to be worried about price increases because of minimum going up? Now it’s an issue?