Congrats? DBAN was made prior to 2006… IT people existed before 2006. What’s your point? You think that people just spawned into existence in 2006 with decades of IT knowledge? So like I said… “It WAS my default for a very long time because I simply defaulted to it for COMPLIANCE reasons”… eg. my contracts at the time required it and I ran boatloads of wipes.
Regardless… DOD 5220.22-M now states
The National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) is now Part 117 of Title 32, Code of Federal Regulations.
So let’s go look at the NISPOM stuff which says… NOTHING! So what you end up with is companies referencing the old DOD 5220.22-M because old government contracts will actually say that specific document in contracts as something that must be adhered to for a long long time. So even though it “died” on 2006, contracts may not be renewed for some time after that which still keeps the document alive.
Now DOD 5220.22-M actually specified and defines short wipes (3 pass) and long wipes (7 pass). And in theory, could be superceded by NIST 800-88 (and probably is the default on modern contracts). And regardless of all of that… DoD internally has it’s own standards, which after wipe often requires degaussing or outright destruction of the disk, I remember having a dedicated device for it that would document serials and stuff. I’d have to pull up my army documents to remember which specific rules required that type of stuff, but I’m not going to dig out shit from 2010 just to argue with someone on lemmy.
So I guess this boils down to… The world didn’t spawn into existence in 2006. People are older than 2006 and are allowed to talk about their experiences from before the “old times”.
Edit: And in current contracts… all our shit is NVMe and secure erase. But I’m willing to bet muscle memory would still kick in for me if I saw the DBAN screen.
Congrats? DBAN was made prior to 2006… IT people existed before 2006. What’s your point? You think that people just spawned into existence in 2006 with decades of IT knowledge? So like I said… “It WAS my default for a very long time because I simply defaulted to it for COMPLIANCE reasons”… eg. my contracts at the time required it and I ran boatloads of wipes.
Regardless… DOD 5220.22-M now states
So let’s go look at the NISPOM stuff which says… NOTHING! So what you end up with is companies referencing the old DOD 5220.22-M because old government contracts will actually say that specific document in contracts as something that must be adhered to for a long long time. So even though it “died” on 2006, contracts may not be renewed for some time after that which still keeps the document alive.
Now DOD 5220.22-M actually specified and defines short wipes (3 pass) and long wipes (7 pass). And in theory, could be superceded by NIST 800-88 (and probably is the default on modern contracts). And regardless of all of that… DoD internally has it’s own standards, which after wipe often requires degaussing or outright destruction of the disk, I remember having a dedicated device for it that would document serials and stuff. I’d have to pull up my army documents to remember which specific rules required that type of stuff, but I’m not going to dig out shit from 2010 just to argue with someone on lemmy.
So I guess this boils down to… The world didn’t spawn into existence in 2006. People are older than 2006 and are allowed to talk about their experiences from before the “old times”.
Edit: And in current contracts… all our shit is NVMe and secure erase. But I’m willing to bet muscle memory would still kick in for me if I saw the DBAN screen.