X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called::After a report called out Musk’s union-busting, UAW’s blue check got reinstated.

  • IHaveTwoCows@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I believed that way too for a few months after November 2016…but you dont understand who you are dealing with. Those issues aren’t causes; they’re excuses. There is nothing you can do to appease these people; they hate because they hate. Plenty have been raised to know that their behavior and attitudes are wrong but they embrace it anyway. How many stories and comments have you read and geard about how someone’s friend or family member always seemed like normal and intelligent people until 2015 and then became increasingly fascistic and now they don’t talk any more? Thise people were ALWAYS who they were; they just never said it. They had jobs and homes and stock portfolios and nothing was affecting them negatively yet they embraced fascism and “othering” anyway.

    There was nothing that could be changed that would’ve stopped this from happening short of a massive and overwhelming Hillary landslide. The simple fact is that half or more of the US are fascists and always have been, and now they’ve emboldened all the others around the world.