Like, will there be a point in time where you think that with all of the games of yesteryear to play that are thousands and thousands, with thousands more forward ahead to be released. There’s only so much time available to be playing so much in a lifetime.

So that begs the question, do you just decide on which generation of gaming you’re comfortable reaching before saying “Yup, I’m good!”?

I think for me, my cut off has been the PS4/X-Box series X generation. The PS5 is now officially like 5 years old now as of this year which is mind boggling to think about considering people had a very hard time affording the damn thing as well as other consoles because of a certain pandemic and scalpers.

And I’ve not once thought about organizing my resources in any attempt to try and get one or multiple games for it or the console. I’ve committed to PC gaming full-time now. I am completely content with playing what games I’ve gotten in the past and my library could use my attention more.

I’m not worried about prettier visuals, when I can still have the option to slap just another newer GPU down in my PC and beef up the memory as well. My PC build was intended to run 95% of all of my games that no other PC I’ve had in the past could ever do. So, I’m good!

    2 months ago

    I’ve been gaming since the late 1970s, and have never considered any sort of cut off date. I just play what interests me (lately that’s been VR games in various genres).

    I can’t imagine ever losing interest in new games or platforms, because there’s always a new experience out there and, for me at least, that’s the point. I can’t play everything, obviously, but I can prioritise my time where I think I’ll have the most fun.