En materia de Defensa y Seguridad Bullrich hace gala de su “mano dura”. “Estamos camino al narcoestado”, concluye en el documento. Promete que las Fuerzas Armadas darán “apoyo logístico” a las fuerzas federales en zonas críticas como Rosario y el Conurbano.
Yeah, asking the army to step in to apply the “hard hand” against crime is a left wing idea.
So is selling off an entire body of water to private hands.
Kirchnerism isn’t the left. Centre right isn’t the left. There is a left wing party in argentina, and they got … 2%.
Yeah, asking the army to step in to apply the “hard hand” against crime is a left wing idea.
So is selling off an entire body of water to private hands.
Kirchnerism isn’t the left. Centre right isn’t the left. There is a left wing party in argentina, and they got … 2%.