
  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • There’s an app called GeoCache which is a fun way to learn a new area. People hide caches all around your city. The app shows you their location and you go find them, leave whatever you want inside (usually you just sign the log book), and then put it back. It’s a pretty neat little scavenger hunt when you’re in a new area.

    If you’re interested in meeting new people, look for a board gaming store. They’re not common everywhere, but around here there are a few and they host public game nights. I met a few people on D&D night.

    Idk if you have any interest in hunting, but the state hunting license class is pretty neat, teaches you a lot about wildlife conservation, and gives you an opportunity to meet and interact with local outdoorsmen.

    The Fraternal Order of the Eagles has clubs all across the country, and they have awesome club houses. They’re usually like a private restaurant or bar, often have game rooms, and host things like private poker tournaments. It’s open to both men and women, despite the old-school name. There’s some racism in their past, but that’s all ancient history now. They’re a really open group, at least here they are.

    Last but not least, introduce yourself to your neighbors. If any of them are cool, invite them over for a BBQ or something. Or go out with them to do something fun, like hiking, biking, climbing , or shooting. The closest friends I’ve made since moving across the country have all been my neighbors.

    Edit: adopt a dog! Dogs will keep you active, give you companionship, and increase your chances of meeting a human. There was a recent study that showed people walking dogs are way more likely to meet people while out than people by themselves, especially if the person is a male. Plus, they’re just awesome. There are tons of benefits to owning a dog, including being happier, and living longer.

  • I missed the part where you said you’re also interested in building a website. Java is a popular and powerful programming language for desktop and mobile development. You can also use it with a framework for back-end website development, but there are better options out there. If you want something that does everything you posted then JavaScript is actually a good option. You’ll need frameworks for back-end website development and desktop development, but it’s kind of a beginner friendly language, and ChatGPT can help you set up the frameworks. It does get complicated working in the different stacks though. What do you want to build first?

  • Idk how I missed that. I only saw the desktop program part and the languages listed after it. I completely overlooked the website part, unless it was edited or something. But yeah, for websites JavaScript is the go-to for front-end and there are even some decent back-end options these days, although development and deployment gets a lot more complicated if you go that route. Java is still popular as a backend language for website development, and there are frameworks that have out of the box components that give you the JavaScript for free, but they’re typically expensive enterprise solutions like Adobe Experience Manager.

    Edit: I just checked and it was edited, so they might have added that part after I wrote my reply.