Are you ok?
Are you ok?
Because if not, then you’re pushing your own conspiracy theory on par with pizzagate or birtherism.
This might literally be the single stupidest attempt at a “no, U!” that anyone has ever done.
not a “Russian Asset” although I personally think he is the latter. I would argue he is at the very least compromised by Russia.
Ok, then I’m going to write you off as the mad conspiracy theorist that you are, no different to a QAnoner or a birtherist.
And no, there are not “foreign issues that as imposing there will on the US.”, that’s wild projection.
No. Trump is not employed by the Russian government and the idea he is is a conspiracy theory on par with pizzagate or birtherism.
No, it can’t. And it’s not.
Westerners once again demonstrating that they’re incapable of accepting that their countries problems are home grown and not the result of evil conspiracies by perfidious foreigners.
It’s literally the first time they have ever issued a warrant for a Western ally, and they only did it because they’re smart enough to know that not doing it when Israel is publicly exterminating an entire country would destroy all credibility the international court might have.
Because the ICC is smart enough to know that if they just completely ignore Israel exterminating an entire country, they will completely lose all credibility that they might of had. The US government, on the other hand, is controlled by insane octogenarians.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Puppets of the US and the West in general, obviously. Have you literally never read anything about the international courts? Because them being western puppets an extremely common accusation
When you put it that way, you’re making it sound like it might a good thing. Dissolution of NATO? Hell yeah!
And actual history says no
Mitt Romney confirmed this explicitly. Anyone saying the tiktok ban isn’t about covering up Israel’s genocide in Gaza is denying objective fact.
Ah ok, you’re just a bad faith troll. Never mind.
So I’m going to go with no, you don’t read anything other than Wikipedia.
So people who don’t support modern Russia aren’t tankies? You’d better tell all the fucking shitlibs here that.
Lol, as opposed to those non-despotic “regimes” that you, an anarchist, believe in.
Get out of here, liberal.
Telling that you intend Davel’s post absolutely destroying yours.