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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • How about a wealth tax for people with over $10 million dollars of assets

    How about tripling the size of the IRS (or more) so that the government actually gets what it’s supposed to

    How about cutting foreign defense spending

    How about increasing the corporate tax rate even just a little bit

    Or only paying social security to people who need it

    Or getting rid of insanely wasteful farm subsidies

    But yes, I think we actually agree, that people who come here need to be paid a fair wage. That was really my point. When people talk about immigration to fix labor shortages, they almost always mean minimum wage or thereabouts (or even lower like for farm workers).

  • No. In the US at least, wages are up for blue collar work, and that’s where the economy was most vulnerable. Inflation has been bad but it’s coming back under control and wages can outpace it in the next couple years, median wage growth already has (yes I have a hard time believing this too, but that’s the numbers).

    The last financial crisis had a flagrant cause in default-prone loans. There isn’t such a problem right now.

    The largest crisis we are running into is a crisis of propaganda, where people are being told “everything is terrible” when in fact the numbers show that everything is pretty great… except for white collar tech workers (me!).

    I think the tech market will rebound the second that the fed lowers rates again, because tech is fundamentally capital intensive and speculative. So you need cheap money to fuel tech. Video games deflated/corrected a bit but that’s fine, those people can work on other things.