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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • In games like Diablo and Path of Exile the game is separated into two ways of playing. You can do “seasonal” or “league” play where it starts at one point, ends at another, and anything you collect during that time is either totally wiped at the end of the season/league. The other way you can play is with permanent characters. In PoE it’s called “standard” but I don’t know what Diablo calls it. Standard is where all of your stuff from every league/season lives. Once the league is done, your stuff goes there to live on forever. Super neat, since it gives you a long time to accumulate crazy gear.

    This bug allowed people to take items from that permanent standard league and put them in the inventory of a seasonal character. This could conceivably allow someone that’s leveling to have top-tier leveling items, or very high level endgame gear very early on in the season, which is competitive.

    It’s clear cheating, a broken-ass exploit, players have ALWAYS been banned for exploiting bugs like this (throughout the history of competitive online gaming, not just in ARPGs like D4 and PoE), and absolutely nobody that’s anywhere near reasonable has an issue with bans being handed out for cheating and exploiting bugs.

    This kind of bug pops up fairly regularly in every game that works like this and those acting super butthurt about it likely got banned for exploiting it and won’t admit it publicly.

  • Fallout 4.

    Ignore the main quest for the most part. It means basically nothing. Just go out into the Wasteland and do your own thing. Make settlements. Set up a supply chain. Build forts. In all the time I have in the game I think I spent maybe 10-12 hours playing the main quest once and another 500 or so just doing whatever. People complain about it not being as good as New Vegas because it isn’t a Choose Your Own Adventure book in FPS form. That’s because it’s more of a Live Your Own Adventure GAME. The world is far more alive than any other Fallout game and it can be SERIOUSLY punishing on Survival difficulty, especially if you don’t need to psychotically minmax everything. Just go out into the world and live or, more likely, die. The GOTY edition is like $10 right now.