2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • No tinfoil hat needed. Retail stores are equipped with bluetooth beacons that tracks and monitors customer behavior. This in turn can be sold for targeted advertising. Another scary thought is that the tracking is so precise, it measures the distance your phone is from a product, including height. How high is the phone from the ground? The data points can be extrapolated to influence product placement: what products and prices influenced a customer to bend down and look at/interact with the product? How long were they in close proximity with the product? Based on the phone’s orientation, were they bent down to look at or passing by the product (indicating that they stopped for a separate reason and not necessarily for the product)? Did they buy it? Were they looking for coupons in my “retail store app” while next to the product, or somewhere else in the store? Where do customers often stop or gather in order to browse through coupons? Could we place Y products there? Where should we put the product in stores to maximize sales? What ads can we send to them as they arrive at the store? Based on aggregated data with the rich profile we built for this customer, are they likely to sign up for our rewards credit card? What is this customer’s income level? Have they purchased X product recently? What part of town do they live in? What products are popular there? Et cetera ad nauseum.

    Tracking is so predatory. Makes me look at my smart phone with disgust as the years go by, and I periodically grapple with the decision if a smart phone is even right for me or if it’s time to stick to a computer and a truly dumb phone going forward.

    Some public info about Bluetooth beacons: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/14/opinion/bluetooth-wireless-tracking-privacy.html

    Want to find Bluetooth beacons? Simply install a Bluetooth scanner app from your phone and head to a store to see them.

    Here’s how Shopify engages businesses on how to utilize Bluetooth beacons with their software package. Bought anything online? That site was most likely powered by Shopify: https://www.shopify.com/retail/the-ultimate-guide-to-using-beacon-technology-for-retail-stores

  • I’ve had no excitement for this game since Ubisoft is such a disappointment of mediocrity. I grew bitter to them back when they announced the controversial shutting down of their legacy activation servers: this would prevent gamers from passing the online checks to play their games. Suddenly, despite me possessing a physical disc of Splinter Cell Blacklist on Wii U, I learned I would lose access to the DLC I paid for and “owned”. Certain missions would also become unplayable since you need online co-op. Ubisoft backpedaled after significant backlash from gamers, but since then I hesitate whenever I see them attached to any project.

    I miss old Ubisoft. I’m playing Beyond Good & Evil 2003 on my GameCube for the first time, and this game is spectacular! Wish Ubisoft didn’t become evil, but it was inevitable.

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldTitanFall 2 at 3$
    2 months ago

    Gracias homie. My spouse and I had to play Jedi Fallen Order on two separate PCs. It’d be great if we could couch co-op the campaign but it’s all good. We played several of the Halo games, I think primarily 1, 2, and 3, so Titanfall I’m hoping will be something that my spouse will want to try out. Thank you!

    Edit: Heh. I’m the ideal customer because I have to buy two copies of a game sometimes. “Publishers love me for this ONE simple trick.”

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldTitanFall 2 at 3$
    2 months ago

    Does anyone know if the campaign is multiplayer? I’d love to pick up two copies of the game so my spouse and I can give it a go and play together.

    I have zero knowledge about Titan Fall apart from the fact you’re in mechs and apparently movement is cool. So no spoilers please!

  • Trump stumbled into the chat: “The most insecure man in America, biggest there’s ever been. I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone more insecure, and nobody knows more about it than me. I’ve drawn in record insecurity, just ask and they’ll tell you. Tremendous, truly. But insecure? Doubtful. Such a shame, it’s tragic, really it is. But I tell you, and I was talking to the Uh - you know who - and they said, why are you so insecure? And I responded, I’ve drawn in more crowds than, and look, Kim Jong Un even respects me, I’ve had great relations with the Russians. They’re frowning now at us, they don’t respect us nor do they want to do business with us. Insecure? This country is tumbling, and when I win back the election because it was, and look it was stolen, but when I get the president back, I swear, we’re gonna make it bigger than it’s ever been before. Insecure? Look we’ll make it more secure. It will be big secure. Best we’ve ever seen; and we’re doing great things, really great things for the jobs and the economy. EVs are heavy - no one wants them, they want gas, diesel cars, big trucks, and EVs. But I tell you no one wants EVs. But they’re so heavy, I don’t know if you all know this since I’ve got a smart—- * gestures vaguely at head * —- you know what. But I ask them to turn around the cameras. No one’s gonna show you that, and it’s just really sad. My crowd size is huge, I’ve drawn in more people than Dr King did. Just look at the fountains, nothing changed, the people were there and you see. The crowds were big, and they try to say I brought 2000. If they said I brought 2000, then they’d say ‘oh his campaign is over he’s finished.’ But I let them have it with Dr King, because I like King and I like black people. But media won’t tell you that, they just uh cut the facts down to whatever fits their fake news, and then, so we see Biden, you know? And I was all set for him, but then they brought in the most unpopular war criminal, Harris, who is barely compliment, and look she has no brains, I got big brains. She couldn’t pass the BART test and pass laws, she can’t even debate. No complimency, it’s true. You have to trust me on this because it’s such a sad time. Shameful really. I’m most unsecured, sorry, most insecure man there’s ever been. We’re gonna make this country great because we’re about to go on world war 2 again. I can make friends with the Russians. Ukraine? They never would have invaded Russia if I was president. Good guy, really. I’ll bet no one tells Kim he’s insecure, especially after uh what happened with the black wife, Kanye. But look. If they just turn around the cameras, they’ll show you I had record turnout, biggest crowd ever that stormed the capitol. And no one died on Jan 6, they always said they did but they were lies from Crazy Pelosi, just look at her she’s crazy. And Jill, sorry I mean Harris, she’s the most unpopular, most unpopular there ever was in the history of our country, ever. She brings in very little excitement, but my campaign is as exciting as it ever was. I bring in tremendous crowds, I’ve been great with black men, even the Jews love me. But white males? The numbers are hyuuuuuuuge. I don’t know if I’ll have black males vote for me, but the rest of them love me. My crowds are records, but they never talk about — what they do talk about it, is that they’ll do anything to try to spin up what I did , and that’s the truth. I’ve agreed to theee debates, and we’ll see because the truth needs to be heard. The Lunatic Left is always, and really they are. Harris can debate me, she barely competent! I’ll be happy to debate her any time any place. I’ve got the world’s experts, and the people love me and they’ll be voting to get, worst country ever. And that’s no joke, it’s a sad time in America. We’re not respected, I think I mentioned before how Putin sees us, and they don’t care. I’ll make this country more secure, best security ever, so all those countries don’t let out the floodgates and release the insane asylums into our country. They want no border, no security. I want so much security, that I will make this country truly a great country of insecurity.”

  • I hear you dude. That 10+ year reputation is what drove me to buy their stuff, along with all the glowing user recommendations.

    I heard that you can make the rubber last longer on mice by periodically cleaning them to slow their chance of breaking down, but I never experienced the rubber actually separating. That happened to my spouse’s Razer mouse (heh, that rhymes).

    But I suppose that, apart from this whole post’s focus on “as a service”, that possibly Logi products have begun to go downhill quite recently. I wouldn’t know, all of mine have been great. Sucks for your MX mouse, but I feel you on the uncertainty of buying future Logi mice.

  • Such a shame too because I always recommended the G502. I love the feel, the ergonomics, and the button placement. I love the customizeable weights you can swap in. I used to play with all the weights, but then over the years I took them all out and now use none. My aim got better in FPS games - I went from steaming hot garbage to just regular garbage LOL.

    I’m going to watch a couple review videos of the G13 to see if it’s up my alley. And if yes, I’ll add that bad boy to my watch lists and pick up a used one if I can score it for a decent price.

  • Dude, the G502 is such a great mouse. Mine has lived through so many years of gaming and is still chugging!

    If you get ~7 years of life out of the M705, I would consider that to be quality since it would last through thousands of hours of usage. Any less and I would consider it a dud product, but that is certainly my opinion only there.

    Never heard of the G13 before, so I looked it up and I think that’s pretty cool! This would have been a product I would have to try to see if it would fit my use case for gaming. A mini keyboard with a joystick seems cool, and admittedly I’m hovering my left hand in the air and trying to mimick what that would be like. Hard to conceptualize without actually trying it! I hope you got good use out of it, it does seem really cool.

    If Logitech didn’t enshittify, they should’ve made their own version of the Power Glove. 😀 The Power Glove was way before my time on Earth, but man that would’ve been cool to see for PC.

  • That’s a fair point. It’s interesting because this month I was considering upgrading my webcam to a 1080p 60fps one and certainly was going to consider them. I probably would have lightly researched a new Logi webcam and then bought it considering their track record and how wonderful my products have been.

    I want to give companies my money in exchange for good products, but it’s weird! My morals won’t let me for some reason. It’s like I don’t agree with Logitech or something! Oh well! I’ll keep my money in my pocket and save it for a better product that doesn’t treat their customers like cattle.

  • Hello fellow GOG fan! I own 620 games on GOG, and I license 214 games on Steam. Granted some of those Steam games do not have DRM, so consider that an estimate.

    Man you sound almost exactly like me lol. A lot of angry persons who have been burned by companies are becoming like us. What sent me over the edge was when Ubisoft threatened to shutdown their legacy activation servers, which would have led to me losing the DLC I purchased for my physical Wii U copy of Splinter Cell Blacklist. They backpedaled after significant fan backlash, but now I’ve been radicalized. I avoid “as a service” to the best of my ability and am deliberately hostile to these corporations.