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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Weird that this ‘study’ keeps getting picked up by different outlets and attributed to LendingTree who specifically notes at the top of said study that they don’t endorse anything within it and it’s solely the opinion of the author.

    Furthermore, this study is obviously flawed as it states Pontiac, Mercury, and Saturn as the vehicles with the safest drivers, even though none of those companies have produced a car in around 15 years. The data is also sourced from people filling out insurance applications and doesn’t actually account for who was at fault for these accidents, nor does it even track the type of vehicle involved in the accident. It simply tracks who has an accident or DUI on their record and what vehicle they’re currently looking to get insurance quotes for. It’s clickbait in its purest form.

  • In order for you to sedate someone, they must already be under control right? Or do you jump into the dog pile with a syringe full of ketamine?

    Furthermore, you’re unlikely to have been there for the initial encounter so who are you to judge whether someone is trying to hurt police versus someone who is being assaulted by the police after having committed no crime and is only trying to protect themselves from a bunch of roided-out criminals? These fights often involve police kneeling on people’s arms and legs, immobilizing them completely, while shouting “give me your hands” or “stop resisting” so that it appears to bystanders that it’s a two-way fight and not just a motionless person getting the shit beat out of them. I can’t count the number of bodycam videos I’ve seen where you can clearly see the ‘suspect’s’ hands pinned down by other police while being punched in the face for not putting their hands behind their back.