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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It looks like nobody involved in this story understands the concept of consequences. Trump can be now disappeared without repercussions. The judges that voted this could be arrested with their families and everybody they know. And Biden may be facing the same situation in a few months if he doesn’t do something drastic immediately. Is somebody putting LSD in the water supplies? I don’t understand how anybody on either side can think this is a good idea.

    Edit: what i mean is the clock is ticking now, Trump already said what he’s going to do if he goes back to office. Unfortunately now it’s you or them.

  • 2 thoughts:

    • the level of automation we have right now is enough to produce most of the stuff we need with very little assistance, as most of the useful stuff has been automated 30-40 years ago; while i agree that we are missing some important things, i think the real problem is the cleptocracy at the top
    • the stuff that is being automated now is really a problem more than a solution, and is going to stop progress by putting out of work software developers and other creative professions. I’m not saying it’s going to replace them all, but if it replaces enough job positions, it’s going to make the profession a risky choice for new students and that’s going to slow down the engine a lot