Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Everything is in motion, nothing is static. As Capitalism declines and the material conditions of Europe decline, reactionary elements longing for “the good old days” rise. It’s generally what happens when Social Democracy turns Nationalist, and is deeply terrifying.

    This can be opposed only through strong antifascist organization, not just sitting home and hoping things get better. They won’t, with that attitude.

    Edit: to add, the reason Social Democracy specifically was mentioned is because both Social Democracy and Fascism are based on the idea of Class Colaboration, only the aims and results are obviously very different. Adding the Nationalist element to an existing Social Democracy can quickly end up changing to outright fascism.

    Immigration policies in particular have been a hot topic in Europe, so Nationalism has been rising with anti-immigrant rhetoric.