already there baby ❤️
already there baby ❤️
Just wait a year or two and it’ll be half the price or better
Jimmy Carter was a fantastic president anyone who thinks otherwise is likely why we’re in this current situation, of any situation from Gaza to Trump to climate change
absolutely 100%
Something a lot of games forget. Customization and personalization is more of a dress up sim anymore, strategy is all ‘the meta’ and build paths and efficient strategies. I miss OG Deus Ex where I dunno what I’m doing but suddenly I found a vent and now I’m hacking a turret to kill the robot that beats my ass. Didn’t know any of that was possible five minutes before.
Games are all predictable, the systems are the same and the same engines/obsession with graphics make a lot of games play the same. The Witcher, Last of Us, Fallen Order/Survivor and Hogwarts Legacy they all feel the same in body language, controls, interactions, it’s stale.
That’s … the stock being overvalued lol
for a playstation too? I’m stealing my dad’s gun the value exchange is worth it
exactly so let’s say I’m way stronger than you but you start working out hard, so will I hopefully you never catch up
Lol thought it was already a part of China poohpants
this comment went unappreciated but I laughed
how I feel about all souls games. Sekiro had the aesthetic I liked more and still didn’t finish it. I just find them boring
thanks 🙏 will do
if I just started the game should I still get them or play the base game first
shoulda never ran
okay you are right about that I feel the cold war was so because of the open hostility between the pair where this time half our politicians have Russian or Chinese nuts in their mouth and vice versa we’re much more intertwined
It ain’t cold tho it’s proxy at and honestly that boat that ran into the bridge in Baltimore I’m convinced was an intended attack
Very strange reads a lot like those people from Book of the New Sun
How is this not terrorism?
A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter’s a daughter for the rest of her life.