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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • They’re doing it as part of reducing their carbon footprint. There’s so much carbon produced during manufacturing that they need devices to continue being used for about ten years after the original sale, otherwise the company will never be carbon neutral.

    Bull fucking shit.

    Apple goes out of their way to stop repairs. They ask the companies that supply their microcomponents to create a new version of them, just different enough for the original not to work, then make them sign a contract to only sell to them. By doing this, third party component level repair shops can’t just buy the components from the supplier and have to have a stock of donors boards in order to repair anything.

    When you go to the Apple store because something in your board failed, they charge you the price of a new device to repair it and then advise you to just buy a new one. Even if you decide to do the repair because it’s more eco-friendly even thought it costs the same, you will lose all your data, because they just replace the entire thing instead of the milimeter capacitor or microchip that is broken.

    Apple’s newer models, that are supported for self repair, are designed to be easy to repair. That’s why they’re the only ones that are supported.

    Apple devices are still a pain in the ass to open and use non-standard screws with tons of different sizes, making sure that if you mix a longer and a shorter screw, you will probably break something.

  • The thing is averages don’t mean shit when you’re talking about individual people, because individual experiences always deviate from the average, especially if you talk about average wealth where a few millionaires and billionaires skew the data for a lot of poor people.

    But sure, let’s follow your logic. Black people on average are poorer and have worse jobs, so we need to discriminate in their favour.

    Well, statistically there is also a lot of evidence that black people on average commit more crimes than white people.

    So should I be scared of a black person I cross on the street? Following your logic, yes. Following mine, no.

  • Ah yes, selective discrimination based on race and gender is anti-racist and anti-sexist. So glad we advanced as a society enough for this to make sense in some people’s heads…

    We live in a time where there are black people that experienced extreme wealth in their lives and white people that know nothing other than extreme poverty (this one has always existed), and to take nothing of that into consideration other than just the skin color is idiotic.

    But hey, thank you for admitting that it isn’t actually about improving productivity and output at companies, but just to tick percentage boxes so that your virtue signaling intake is filled for the day.

  • As for the people I don’t know Salvador Allende nor Jacobo Arbenz, but Fidel and Che were two bloodthirsty armsmen that just picked up whatever ideology fitted at the time. There is a reason why since then until now people try to escape from Cuba into the US. Also, I believe the US only really took an interest in them when they accepted the Soviet nukes.

    As for Martin Luther King Jr, he was definitly persecuted, but was it because he was a communist? I’m not sure of that.

    Do you really want to use the Korean war as an example of the US oppressing communists? Really? You literaly just have to compare how both sides ended up.

  • Your last point is laughable.

    Yes Brave cannot make commits to Chromium, but it makes changes to their own repos (well, obviously) and can also accept/reject changes Google makes to Chromium.

    In my opinion, Firefox is more of a slave to Google than Brave will ever be because they rely entirely on Google giving them money for the default search engine.

    Is Brave’s revenue model scammy? Maybe. But at least they aren’t Google little bitch.