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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That could just be down to the author and their aptitude. Lot of people writing field guides aren’t exactly scientifically minded or trained. Because fungus really are kind of anti plants in many ways. It’s sort of like the distinction between fruits and vegetable for tomatoes. For most people tomatoes have always been and will always be vegetables. Despite having long been classified scientifically as a fruit. And pineapples are berries.

  • Or if you’re someone who uses speech to text on your phone. Nearly every system that I’ve ever used asterisks out everything after the first letter. It can be a lot of extra effort to go back and fill the fucks in. But if there’s one fucking thing worth doing fucking right. Fucking filling out those fat fucking fucks is fucking it. It’s one of the most fucking versatile words on the planet. It can be a fucking adjective, one of the most versatile verbs no matter what fucked up tense you choose, and even a motherfucking noun.

  • No one is forced to run. That’s the point. You can only vote for the choices you’re given. Not the choices you’re not. That’s the point. If you want better options better choices. Force yourself to run. We always have choice, we always have agency. Even if you choose not to vote. It’s generally the worst thing you can do. But it’s still a choice. And if you don’t believe me just listen to the band Rush.

  • The first thing Just quickly off the top of my head Period the consumer Financial Protection Bureau was her baby.

    The fact that Warren herself is a former republican. I disagree with her on a ton of shit. But I still have to respect her for some of the things she’s done. I think she’s wrong and misguided. But she definitely tries to do good/help in her eyes. And the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is absolutely a good thing.

  • They’re definitely was a lot of overlap on interests. But that doesn’t automatically equate to siphoned off votes. There were a not insignificant number of people who were direct fans of things Warren has pushed for and accomplished. That would not automatically have translated over to sanders. We can speculate that a large number would. But as stated that would be speculation. We could speculate as to why Warren didn’t drop out. But again that would be speculation. However I don’t think that she had anything to gain or owed any allegiance to party leadership to just stay in as a spoiler. Far more likely it was just good old wishful thinking and hubris on her part. It could happen to any of us.

  • I generally agree with you on everything but the getting fucked part. That implies that Sanders was unaware or unprepared for what happened. If there were those of us outside politics who could see and understood what was going to happen. Which there were a lot of us. I don’t think Sanders is that young naive or inexperienced. If anything I have a feeling it went better than he expected it would.

    The man went up against the core of party leadership and the candidate they desired. And while he didn’t win outright. He came out more powerful than he went in. If success is getting fucked Perhaps we should all get fucked.

  • It really was the strategy that will pay off for generations to come. Fascists by is simply temporarily acting friendly to Sanders managed to drive a wedge between Democrats and the left. That even the candidate himself doesn’t feel exists because of his continued association with the party. All these people will make sure that the Democrats and by extension the candidate they supported won’t have their support or power to do the things their candidate wanted to do. Talk about self-destructing.

    As an anarchist Lefty type I have no love for status quo or establishments democrats. But I have to still pragmatically acknowledge that the only way to fix or improve things is through them. Or at least by replacing them from the inside out.

  • I voted for Sanders in the last two primaries. But the fact remains he lost both primaries ultimately. He did well. And it’s possible he might have drawn in enough people who wouldn’t have voted otherwise. But there’s no guarantee of that. It’s all just baseless speculation.

    And let’s be honest it’s entirely possible he would have had more trouble than Biden or Clinton in the general. The fascists acted friendly to him in the primaries specifically because of how it divided Democrats and the left. In the general they would have turned on him with the fierceness equal to Clinton or biden. And I think we have to acknowledge that was a brilliant strategy. Now 8 plus years on it’s still paying heavy dividends for them. As you’ve shown.

    Even as the Democratic party acknowledged his voice and gave him positions of leadership. And Sanders himself stayed part of the democratic party. For some reason failing to be as offended as other people were being offended for him. Instead those people choosing to abandon the Democratic Party and take power from them. Ultimately taking power from and abandoning Sanders in the process. An odd thing to do for people who claim to like Bernie Sanders.

  • First Harris didn’t run, she didn’t even try to run.

    Second, Harris is 1/2 of Biden Harris. She’s going to have a lot of the same baggage as Biden at this point.

    Third Harris has a ton of her own unique baggage. She’s not a significantly better candidate by any measure. And I’m not even referring to racists and misogynists. Which would happily add themselves on top of that baggage unfortunately.

  • Who were they supposed to force to run, and how were they supposed to do that? Biden initially talked about being a single term president. Only running again if necessary. The only Democrat that really chose to try to primary was Dean Phillips. Who recently begged a state governor to pardon trump. Biden already appeases fascists too much. With Phillips begging a state Governor to Pardon their leaders crimes. I can see why Biden would run again.

    I actually have some hope that there will be some decent Democratic candidates in 2028 if we can get there and still be holding elections.