Fashtas 🇦🇺

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • “trying to be gritty and shocking”.

    Yeah that was our take away. Overly gory, very little of the humor from the game. My wife abandoned it after 3/4 an episode (too much gratuitous violence for her) and I probably wont both with the rest

    If you love that sort of hard core violence graphically depicted, with imaginative effects such as pushing a gun into someones head, and then shooting a hole through that (briefly) still live persons head, killing a few more people this may be your cup of tea.

  • I actually went back and had a look at a few of the top results and I have a feeling a lot were AI written Sandtraps. Several were very similar “Install your favorite Linux then <copy and paste from Plex web site on how to install Plex>”

    Makes it had for a newbie who doesn’t know what they don’t know so can’t ask the right question.

    The Mint install works fine now, I made a lot of mistakes and took a while to get head around the folder structure and permissions but once I am more comfortable next time I’ll try something a little more headless I think, though playing around I reckon I’d be happy with Mint as a daily machine (if only my job wasn’t coding Windows apps :/)

  • Thanks, I decided to see what happened with a Mint Install (Before I saw your reply) so as a Toe-in-water thing to learn more about the OS and see what stuff was like. I only Kitty into a Linux server for work and do some basic tasks on it occasionally so was interested.

    An … interesting experience… trivial install, easy enough to understand the UI, entirely failed to get a Plex server working though… Nothing on the network can see it (Local works fine) which doesn’t make much difference because Plex has nothing to server since it can’t see the folder with movies on it due to, I believe, ownership issues (The files are on a portable USB drive)

    Still fiddling but most help documents descend into arcane command line arguments very quickly and are generally “wrong” in that they suggest editing files that don’t exist in folders that aren’t there.

    Still… a learning experience :) (Easy enough to kill it and tried Debian if I can’t work out chown!

  • What part of this do you think is hard?

    Not hard… essentially worthless however…

    The articles are saying “Here is a list of almost all known versions of Linux, these are good for you to use” when you query what the best option is… Hardly narrowing down anything. Likewise saying “Use your favorite… then install the product you want to use” is also useless information if you are asking the question I was… I have no favorite obviously since I know nothing about it… and OBVIOUSLY I am going to install the produce I just asked about installing…

    The pages I was looking at answered the question “How do I install Linux?” by saying “First, Install Linux”

    Not to say there aren’t better sources, but all the first ones I found where along that theme