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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It can save data by excluding data streams that you don’t need. For instance, I don’t need French, Italian, Japanese, German 5.1 audio streams that each have 700Mbps bitrates or higher, nor do I need an English 1.5Gbps master audio stream, a 700 Mbps English stream, a 500 Mbps descriptive audio for the blind, and 5 different special edition commentary tracks for a film I’ll watch once or twice. All those tracks can really add up, and torrent sites are often country or language specific, so remuxes might have original language and/or native language audio only.

  • I absolutely loved The Martian, but I had a hard time getting through Hail Mary. It was a great concept, and engaging science fiction, except most of the characters, including the main one, are completely insufferable. No conversation is believable or even interesting. Just juvenile stuff. Almost put it down 3/4 of the way through because I felt like I couldn’t take it any longer. I’m glad that I made it through, but it was really tough, and I’m not gonna read it ever again.

    Not trying to discourage you from reading it, just hoping to lower your expectations a bit so that you’re pleasantly surprised when it’s not the trash fire I’m making it out to be. I hope you enjoy it more than I did!