grandstanding in the sense of staging outrageous “perp” walks! That type of grandstanding?
grandstanding in the sense of staging outrageous “perp” walks! That type of grandstanding?
this is going to be bad unless we have a hyper competent and knowledgeable commander in chief!
Im going to get so many pc upgrades. woohoo.
Yeah but now the voice says hes been picked up by ice and they are sending them off and don’t care about his citizenship or due process.
Thats wild. I don’t have much hope for llm’s if things like this is how they are doing things and I would not be surprised given how well they don’t work. Too much quantity over quality in training.
Any idea what the point of these are then? Sounds like its reporting a fake bug.
I mean if trump were not in office and if we were talking the one russia took over and we would give it back afterwards then this would make some sense. Sounds like he is saying the us should take over all their infrastructure though and of course he would eff up anything under him.
You get my standard reply that I use zorin which is an ubuntu based distro that tries to give the look of feel of windows and has a lot of default installed things like wine/playonlinux, libreoffice, app for disc burning, rdp client, basically most everything I would want for day to day use. It is not necessarily the best gaming distro and its certainly not bleeding edge. Its a great install and get to doing things right away distro to me which is what I want.
Its more like a third activey wants you dead and a third would prefer that not be the case and a third somehow wanted to stop the horribleness of the democrats by being those friends to folk that makes them not need enemies.
Some selection pressure seems to be returning. anti mask (during a pandemic), anti vax, homeopathy. some folks seem to want to or have their kids die early.
if you got married before 2000 and had a decent job. especially if both did. having kids seemed like a thing to do. past 2000 anyone smart had to contend that the world of their kids adulthood did not seem like it would be great.
abby something
oh. yeah so not really any better than the us although future action looks like it might be better.
I have wondered this too. Will it just all become bots talking to bots.
Why the wait to send in peackeepers. Russia shore did not (if im not mistaken they initially called their troop buildup peacekeepers). Would be ironic if the uk and eu ended up defending ukraine with troops given both the us and russia signed a treaty saying they would. I mean russias a backstabber but the us is the person who said they would help and did not (I know we did some stuff but given the treaty we signed we should have stopped the annexation of crimea)
yeah I would do this if it worked over starlink provided it gave as good or better connection.
I hate this bullshit. The ruling aint doing shit. Dudek would be shutting it down as the official act of the trump administration. you don’t have authority over us, your making us do this. lies. lies. lies of the abuser. America, why are you hitting yourself?