• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The problem is there’s likely not a universal solution that’s guaranteed to clean everything in every case.

    Cleaning specific logs/configs is much easier when you know what you’re dealing with.
    Something like anonymizing a Cisco router config is easy enough because it folllows a known format that you can parse and clean.
    Building a tool to anonymize some random logs from a specific software is one thing, anonymizing all logs from any software is unlikely.
    Either way, it should always be double-checked and tailored to what’s being logged.

  • It depends a lot on what the application is logging to begin with.
    If a project prints passwords in logs, consider to just GTFO as it’s terrible security practice.
    There might also be sensitive info that’s not coming from a static thing like your username, but from variable data such as IP addresses, gps coordinates, or whatever thing gets logged.
    Meaning a simple find&replace might be insufficient.

    When possible, I tend to replace the info I remove with a short name of what I replaced out as it’s easier to understand context when it’s not all ********** or truncated.

    proxy_container_1     | <redacted_client1_ip> - - [17/Aug/2024:12:39:06 +0000] "GET /u/<redacted_local_user2> HTTP/1.1" 200 963 "-" "Lemmy/0.19.4; +<redacted_remote_instance3_fqdn>"

    keeping the same placeholders for subsequent substitutions helps because if everything is the same, then you don’t know what’s what anymore.
    (this single line would be easy enough either way, but if you have a bunch and can’t tell client1 from client50 apart anymore that can hinder troubleshooting.

    regular expressions are useful in doing that, but something that works on a specific set of logs might miss sensitive info in another.

    I’m sure people have made tools to help with that, possibly with regex patterns for common stuff, but even with that, you’d need to doublecheck the output to be 100% sure.

    It helps a lot when whatever app doesn’t log too much sensitive info to begin with, but that’s usually out of your hands as a user.

  • “She was not talking. She basically could flutter her eyes and move her hands a little bit over a four-day period,” Sheriff David Soward said at a news conference, “and they had her laying on a pallet in the house.”

    Soward said that Sipps’ parents attempted to treat her injuries by giving her smoothies with vitamins. As the girl’s condition worsened and she began having trouble breathing on Monday evening, her mother finally called 911.

    “They were trying to give her smoothies, but somebody who is unconscious is not able to swallow,” Soward noted.

    That’s… vile. Weaponized stupidity.
    4 days laying on a fucking pallet, barely hanging to life while your dumb fuck parents try and shove a smoothie in your face instead of doing… literally anything useful.
    Not even lay her in a bed or a couch, nah, just put her on the pallet.
    Poor kid, she’d probably have had better luck laying on a sidewalk, at least there, there’s a slight chance someone would have called 911 before 4 days went by.