• 10 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • The Democrats still don’t get it.
    “We’re not Trump” isn’t enough, no matter how bad Trump is.

    There are no people on the fence between voting Biden or voting Trump anymore. The distance between the camps is too great, every voter is already entrenched in one of the 2 camps.

    Dems need to target the people on the fence between voting Dem and not voting at all. The people who are frustrated by the lack of progress, the lack of a real choice that will change the status quo, and the slow decline of their standard of living while the rich get richer. If they ran with a more radical leftist candidate and program, they might even convince a few Trump voters who just want things to change, no matter what direction, cause the current status quo sucks.

    They won’t lose any core voters or centrists by moving to the left, cause those people know that the alternative is right-wing fascism. But there’s a huge voting pool of people who won’t stand in line for hours to vote for a candidate who has done nothing and will continue to do nothing for them, while their standard of life slowly deteriorates.