• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2020

  • For me its Subnautica because the progression works so well. I’ve tried lots of survival games and sandbox games with similar progression afterwards, but none of them had the same impact on me. It’s also because of the genre - Sci-fi on an alien planet, discovering what actually happened, and all that baked into some real satisfying gaming loop. Also, without spoilers, the end sequence always makes me emotional, regardless of how many times I’ve played it. It just speaks to me on a personal level.

  • One important part for gaming is the graphics card - I cannot comment on that particular one, but I would recommend searching it like “nvidia rtx 4070 + linux” so you can find advice and recommendations. You could also hop over to https://www.protondb.com/, select that card and see what most people are running. Or there is this https://linux-hardware.org/ page, where you find lots of info about whats being recommended.

    Nvidia used to be problematic with Linux, but I also have an older Nvidia card and haven’t run into any problems (yet). Also there’s lots of new development in that area, I’m sure it’s gonna be ok. Also some distros offer preinstalled Nvidia drivers that you simply select in a driver manager - that for example is the case for Linux Mint.

    Keep at it, you got this and there’s so many people and resources online to help. Best of luck!

  • Great and very informative read, also good advice for people who want to contribute but aren’t able to write code.

    The blog post is about KDE of course, but I think the idea isn’t limited to that project. There was this post on Lemmy not so long ago where people were discussing other ways of contributing or how people help with open source projects. And there were quite a few who said they can’t code but would like to help with other things (apart from donating money).