I’m an Australian, I’m probs fking with you, we can’t help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we’re laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • Omfg. What a trash article. Great examples of the spin the politicians are trying on, of tiktok. because people can use it to unite against an unjust system and that made them scared and therefore launch a negative campaign and force a take over of the whole app. I mean, come on!! Such a bad article.

    There’s more misinformation on fb. Marky Z, when asked why he let’s all a that just spread around, said, he thinks people can just tell stuff is lies by looking at it. He knows that isn’t true.

  • I’m fighting a similar parenting battle myself, currently. I’m a sole parent, tho. So I’m just fighting with myself. I’m trying to set limits for my kids, but I’m just not able to enforce them. I have my grandson living with me in kinship care, and he is extremely high needs, my 15yo is high needs, so my 12 yo gets no attention and has slipped into device addiction, I set limits, very minimal limits, mind you, because I’m trying to weeny her down, she still sneaks around them, then I take them away entirely. I took them away for a month, after warning her about 10 times that I would if I caught her again. She was absolutely fine after a week. Maybe make your partner a bet, lol. Is your partner the one at home with them mostly? Or do you both work long hours?

  • Please let me be clear that I abhor this dipshit, entirely. I was just pondering, you know. Even the worst people have motives, and I find trying to find sanity, in anything he does, a hard task. He must have had some end game. He must have noticed he’s tanking Twitter. Continuing on and doubling down, seems purposeful. And he would want a way to rise out of the ashes ego unscathed. So I was trying to devise his exit plan. He has to have something (stupid af as it may well be) that he stands up and says ‘I did this on purpose, it actually proves I’m a genius’ because that’s his go to response to everything. I suppose I’m trying to predict his patterns of stupid. But that’s probably not possible for someone with a working brain, and or any sense of logic.

  • Everything he does. It’s just so stupid, it has to be purposeful. Like how he rigged the market with doge coin and bit coin, just openly making statements he knew would effect the market. I bet he bought up before saying those. And now tanking Twitter, it’s already dead, we may as well stop calling it by his ridiculous moniker. But I bet he’s bought up whatever he’s replacing Twitter with. I wouldn’t even put it past him to be in cahoots with zuck, and the feud is pretend. It’s all just too obvious. It reeks of I can do whatever i want, I’m above reproach.

  • Nah man, they’re not made up stories, can confirm. Australian. They defund the healthcare till it breaks. That’s where we are right now. We had ‘conservatives’ (not what we call them, but it’ll do) destroying the place for the last 10 years odd. Thier M.O. is, defund public infrastructure till it doesn’t work, then go ‘oh we had to sell it, it was broken, the private sector will fix it’ and simultaneously go ‘look at how good at money we are, we brought alll this cashola in from nowhere in particular’ and then their mates buy up public information for pennies, who then price essential things out of our reach. It’s fun times! Some of the last targets they were hitting were unemployment payments, people who worked, while receiving benefits, people who are disabled, hospitals and schools. So our hospitals are nearly entirely broken. But it’s been a shit show for a while, I had gallbladder attacks, sending me to the emergency room, once a month or more for two years, I was supposedly on the top of the waiting list for surgery. That was just what the wait for anything like that was like, they wouldn’t operate sooner, unless I went into septic shock and was literally moments from dying. Their words.