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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2024


  • I can play this game…

    Perhaps, but you are clearly thinking and writing like one.

    That’s an opinion. You sound politically color blind. If praise isn’t being solely given to the candidate you support, sutely, he must be for the opposition.

    “those of us who live in reality”

    I’m not so sure you do. Trump said some of THE most inane things he’s ever said, yet you are effectively equating that to what Harris had said, which had more substance in a few words than Trump had in the whole debate.

    Way to take that quote out of context and then argue something else. This is the whole sentence:

    I know everyone here thinks it was a big Harris win and no one denies it, so I’m just here to tell inform yall that “those of us who live in reality” don’t consider it a big win for Harris or that Trump did badly.

    I wasnt talking about the substance here. It was commentary about how it is being claimed that it was a “big loss for Trump” and/or a “major win for harris,” which it was neither. People who actually interact with other people “in the real world” have a better understanding of how people actually perceived the debate.

    Right out of the Fox News talking-point playbook. And the proper spelling would be “whiny”. Unless you’re comparing her sound to a horse’s neigh.

    Is it? I don’t ever watch Fox, so I wouldn’t know. Assuming and generalizing, not a good strategy.

    Right out of the Fox News talking-point playbook.

    Lol. Again, even. And even if it is, it’s not wrong. This place is a liberal echo chamber. The sooner you’re able to understand/accept this, the better off you will be overall.