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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • If I’m being honest, I don’t really feel like going back and forth anymore, it’s pointless. You’re free to think I’m wrong, I think you came across poorly and are wrong too.

    Neither one of us are going to change our minds and we’ve decended into responses with cut quotes and countless questions. Things like “I didn’t call them a drone I said they’d act like one.” It’s silly. There’s really no point in either one of us going back and forth, to do what? Are you really open to the idea that the war in the Ukraine is important, it doesn’t seem like it, and me spending time writing up response after response just wastes my time writing it and your time reading it.

    I hope you’re well man.

  • You’ve been trying? Your initial rant seemed very targeted at people and insulting, with plenty of name calling.

    You’ve been disrespecting people from the jump, saying only like 4 people will be able to understand you. You reject the idea that you might be wrong and that other people might have a point. You simply dismiss and attack people who disagree with you. You’ve had chances to prove your point and didn’t, at all, you just attacked people.

    Also saying you don’t care what’s happens in Ukraine is just heartless on a human level. If you don’t care if a country gets invaded and their people raped and murdered, well it seems like you don’t have any morals. You can say we should support them with money or weapons, I disagree but I can understand that stance. Saying you don’t care if they win it’s some cold shit.

    But regardless, when you enter the conversation saying people won’t be able you because they don’t get it and attacking groups of people, you don’t really have a lot of room to complain about people being disrespectful. You called people who might disagree with you “parrots” and “drones” and here you are talking about disrespect? Then you edited it and called people fragile, just doubling down on the insults. For a guy so upset that people are attacking him for a different opinion, you are did come out of the gate attacking anyone who might disagree with you. Get the fuck out of here with this victim bs.

  • Ok, with reductio ad absurdio in mind. You’d be ok with banning all the books that have romance in them, thats inappropriate for young people to be thinking about relationships. At least some people would think so, just like in this case. The banning of books falls apart when you realize that the decisions of what books to ban are based on personal morals.

    Also, I agree with them, it is a strawman. A book about a girl realizing she might like other girls is not the same as having kids watch a snuff film. It’s not related to things they will experience in their life, no one is asking to watch it, it is no where even close to the same. You’re building up that wild stance, or straw man, to fight an entirely different topic. You might as well have asked if they could take them on field trips to executions. It’s ridiculous.

  • Yes I do understand the topic… Just because I disagree doesn’t mean I don’t understand. That’s a bit close minded. We are talking about banning books in school, which is why it’s weird you brought up a snuff film.

    Those are not even close to the same thing… A book about a girl getting her first period is not some horrible experience that they need to be sheltered from. You’re putting a snuff film and a book about “my first period” in the same category…

    Ok, lets say banning books is good. Who gets to decide what is banned and why? I could come up with reasons to ban nearly anything. But guess what, kids can still find it on the Internet. You’re not going to stop anything, you’re just going to shelter and isolate them. “It seems like all the books at school about relationships are girls and guys, not guy and guy. Something must be wrong with me.” That’s what you’re creating.

    Your stance is to push your morals on others and only allow what you think is right. My stance is to allow parents to, you know, parent their kids. Prepare them for the real world. And I think we can do that without making them watch snuff films.

  • If this game takes me 40 hours to complete at a price point of $70 that’s $1.75 an hour to be entertained. That’s not bad value at all IMO. And seeing how I’ll prob take longer doing side missions and such I see that going to under a dollar an hour. Not a ton you can do on a rainy day that will keep you entertained for less than that.

    It seems to line up with a lot of other open world games for me. I’m not saying this is an amazing value, I just don’t see it as a bad value.