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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Agreed. But not impossible. Insignia got original Halo 2 Xbox Live servers back online. Most nights you can find a game easily with 20-40 people online during peak hours. It requires a soft mod and maybe 1-2 hours of set up to get online. If anyone could just turn on their old Xbox and play, I’m confident those numbers would be in the hundreds at least.

    Allowing people to run private servers is an easy way to allow those that want to play to keep playing in an era where most games have some level of online functionality.

  • It’s fun for what it is. It has a very positive community. Lower level players are always gifted high level armor and weapons from vets when they see them. If you do decide to play, you can do most of the game and quests solo. That’s how I did it and it felt more or less like a regular fallout game. You should do the events even though you’re not prepared for them. High level players will make it so you pretty much don’t have to do anything and that’s where you’ll get your highest level rewards.

    The card perk system is different and overwhelming at first. Basically good some good builds and pick one or two that fit your play style. Then you’ll know what to focus on.

    My buddy for me into it a few years ago. It was fun for what it was, but it’s not GOTY or anything.

  • I’m gonna catch hate for this but I enjoy golf. I don’t play often, 5-10 times per year at most however nothing beats a day out with the boys, plenty of beer and joints, and smacking lil balls around with crooked sticks.

    Having said that my local muni 5 min down the road has 3 18 hole courses. They shut one down a little over 4 years ago and didn’t know what to do with it, so in the meantime, being county owned land, they turned it into a park. They didnt change anything. The first year was odd, it felt like you were walking on a golf course with a broken lawn mower. Now, 4 years later, it’s completely wild and I love it. Some trees have begun to crack and grow through the pathways and there is so much wildlife everywhere from deer to coyotes to birds and so many small mice and chipmunks.

    It really is quite peaceful and beautiful out there. The county decided to permanently leave as a park and it feels like a small escape from everyday life. There are about 5 miles of trails as well as a connection to an adjacent park with a couple more miles of wooded trails and a small lake for catch and release fishing. The maintenance there is next to zero and it rarely ever has more than 4 or 5 cars in the lot, making it rare to see anyone out there. I take my dog out there at least 2-3 times per week.

    I fully support returning unused land back to nature. It’s quite exciting to see it slowly transform over time.

  • Just cancelled my prime subscription today. It was set to renew on Friday. I’ve been with prime for close to 10 years.

    I don’t see any value. The price has nearly doubled since originally signing up. The free two day shipping was nice but more and more 2 days is 3-4 and I can get free shipping anyway on any order over $35 without prime so I’ll just build up my cart and be patient or order from another place.

    The video content was nice but they’re fucking joking if they think I’m going to watch ads or pay $3 more per month to not have ads. I can easily pirate most content including live sports and they’re making it far less convenient to be part of their ecosystem.

    I get my books from the library and store my photos locally.

    The literal only downside i see is my buddy won’t get his twitch prime subscription from me every month so I guess I’m costing him like $2/month but he’s got several hundred so he’ll do without.

  • Just got done playing about 3 hours via game pass and it is quite fun.

    It is much more a survival game than pokemon. You put your pokemon (called ‘Pals’) to work on what is essentially your farm. It is much more a survival game as you are always looking for resources and crafting the next thing for your homestead. I have yet to shoot a gun, currently rocking a spear, bow and arrow, pick axe (for mining), and axe (for chopping wood).

    I have ventured off my base twice and you do come across a wide variety of creatures once you venture far enough and there are small towns, people, many creatures, and more materials the further out you traverse. There appears to be ‘bosses’ as there are marked high level creatures and even gangs that will occasionally raid your base.

    I could see myself sinking a lot of time into it as it does take a bit to get your base running smoothly to generate the needed materials without too much manual work on your part.

    You have a party of 5 creatures but can only have one out at a time. You start with another creature at your base working and as you level gain more slots for more creatures to work for you. It’s kinda funny because you basically beat the shit out of these creatures, capture them, and then put them to work at your base.

    All in all I hope development continues to expand on this game as it’s got a solid foundation and I’m not generally someone attracted to survival type games. I’m looking forward to continuing to level up and see what the game has to offer.