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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • MonkRome@lemmy.worldtoMalicious Compliance@lemmy.worldWork from home
    4 days ago

    My sister in law is blind in one eye, but because she has one working eye she has no disability protection as far as I know. She still can’t drive because she has no depth perception and it’s very dangerous. It’s made navigating going to work difficult over the years, often working the same place my brother did so he could drive her. Luckily her current employer works with her and lets her work from home. But a decade ago no one would have dreamed of letting her work from home.

  • Upvoted because they are all good points. But I would say, that even these pure juice blends are absolutely concentrating the sugar, and probably using the sweetest varieties they can find. I would put money on it. I’ve pressed juice myself and it is never as sweet as what they sell you in the store, not even remotely close. The store juice is magnitudes more sweet because they are liars and frauds, full stop. Either way, we should all be watering it down. Unless you’re desensitizing your taste of sugar by eating pixy stix every day, most juices are too sweet anyway.

  • Everyone has been on this tangent for years, this isn’t exactly news. I think it’s worth noting that the problem isn’t really this simple. They concentrate the juice and pump it full of “juice” that is really just sugar. If you actually buy real pressed 100% blueberry juice, for example, instead of apple sugar flavored with blueberries, the sugar content is lower. And because you would never actually want to drink 100% blueberry juice because it wouldn’t taste how you are expecting, you would water it down. Suddenly you have a glass of juice with 5 grams of sugar instead of 30 grams and you are fine. Additionally, no matter the type of juice, it is nearly always over concentrated because they are trying to boost the sugar content. People should really be watering down any kind of store bought juice.

    No one is actually drinking “100% juice”, they are drinking a product that resembles the fruit of juice. These companies are not squeezing juice into a bottle, they are concentrating fruit sugars and adding them back into water. The problem is just as much with false advertising as anything. I’m not saying freshly squeezed juice is healthy, but it as sure as shit healthier than the fraud they are selling on the shelves. As with everything, the problem is money. Companies know they will sell more if they say it’s juice and then pump it full of extra concentrated fruit sugar.

    Edit: I wish more companies sold actual 100% real pressed fruit juice, I would buy it and water it down with soda water. I also wish they were more honest with their labeling about what they are actually doing. Not everything needs to be flawlessly healthy, but we could take steps in the right direction. You should only be able to label something as 100% juice if it actually is squeezed out of the fruit and put in the bottle with no interference and additional processing.

  • The problem is that it’s easy for the interested parties to equate it to antisemitism when intermixed with legitimate protest of Israel’s horrendous actions are actual antisemites coopting the conversation for their own purposes. Antisemitism is at it’s highest point in my entire lifetime. Things to note: Muslim Israelis (about 20% of their population) support Israel’s wartime actions at about the same rate as Jewish Israelis. Also, the language used in opposition to, or in support of, Israel in this conflict is different than in comparable one sided wars.

    To be clear I want to reiterate that i think what Israel is doing is undeniably awful, but I think antisemitism, and anti Muslim sentiments, color how people interpret and talk about what is happening irrespective of government officials agendas. It’s absolutely part of the conversation whether we like it or not, and we have to navigate that as part of the larger conversation. This isn’t to say I don’t agree with you, it is bullshit to just paint everything as antisemitism.

  • Ms Bellucci’s menu includes champagne, smoked salmon, caviar and turkey

    So don’t serve expensive champagne and caviar. Thanksgiving does not have to cost $100+ a person.

    But this title and messaging misses another point they seemed to be making, that many woman get stuck with the obligation and don’t actually get to enjoy the holiday, so they might as well get paid for it. Seems like the easy answer is that everyone pitches in and helps. Seems odd to charge people instead of just setting the expectation that everyone shares the burden.

  • I actually read through the survey data, the reason Israel is shown so much is they are clearly showing a correlation (not necessarily causation) between opinions on Israel and denial of the Holocaust. I think what they where trying to show with the data is that it can sometimes be hard to decouple the two conversations. While I don’t think you can accomplish that with a survey, that has been my entire lift experience.

    I’m Jewish, generally leftist/socialist, and firmly against what Israel is doing to Palestine, but it’s impossible for me to be actively a part of any anti Israel war activism. Because whenever I end up in that space, in my experience, about a quarter of the people there are actively courting antisemitic beliefs and the conflict seems too convenient for them. Another quarter seem to be duped by anti semitic propaganda. It puts Jews that are against what is happening to Palestinians in a very uncomfortable space. I’m always having to make sure I understand which type of person I’m talking to.

    The problem is that our society fails at navigating nuance. You are either pro Israel or anti-israel and a lot of people equate that with pro-jew or anti-jew. Most people under 40 don’t even know 1% of the history of that region but have broad beliefs about exactly how the situation should be resolved. As always ignorant divisiveness breeds resentment, and it shapes belief.

    I don’t think we can ignore the data and hand wave it away. People with resentment towards what israel is doing absolutely are more susceptible to antisemitic propaganda, just as people who are against what Hamas is doing are more susceptible to anti Muslim propaganda, it would be silly to think otherwise. That doesn’t mean everyone on either side is some kind of bigot, but it does mean people should think critically about the rhetoric and divisiveness and be careful about being manipulated by propaganda.

    Most importantly people need to read the recent 150 years of history of that region and really try to understand what’s going on there before making broad sweeping statements that completely ignore historical context, otherwise you’re at risk of just adding fuel to a raging fire.

  • even comming from their government that knownly financed dictatorships and even invades countries in the name of anti-communism.

    Bring out the whataboutism. I’ve never understood the need for communists to stan for horrible countries anymore than I understand the need for moderates or right wingers to stan for the USA. The USA and China both have horrendous governments, their mode of governments are kind of irrelevant to the fact that they practice massive disinformation, genocide, war, colonialism, ethnocentrism, and concentrate tremendous power at the top. A government loosely tying itself to left wing policy, in name only, doesn’t automatically make it good.