Thanks for the suggestion. Is it possible to avoid the console on PopOS? Can you setup everything by UI?
Thanks for the suggestion. Is it possible to avoid the console on PopOS? Can you setup everything by UI?
I’ve used Tumbleweed for round about a year and i am very happy with it. Ended my distro hopping, after i tried fedora, mint, kde neon and ubuntu.
I’d say im more of a casual user, so i didn’t need some special software yet. After a bit of setup things like browsing, watching videos, gaming and so on just work. Because im relatively new to linux im still not used to the terminal, i only know some basic commands, so yast is very welcomed here :)
Like i said, it ended my distro hopping - i like tumbleweed!
Japan is such a contradicting country. On one hand, i’ve always had the feeling that their culture and beliefs are bound to nature, many honor nature. On the other hand: this happens. Weird.
Thanks for your great answer. Seems this could be a fitting distro, i will keep mint in mind :)