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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • TikTok doesn’t engage in speech at all. TikTok is s platform on which people engage in speech. Those people include Americans.

    So TikTok being legally considered a person or not, having rights or not and so on is irrelevant, since TikTok’s nominal rights aren’t being violated in the first place. The rights of the Anerican people are the ones that would be violated - they are the ones whose freedom of speech would be restricted.

    IANAL but I presume that’s the argument they’re using - that when they say that it’s a violation of the first amendment, what they mean is not that it violates their supposed freedom of speech, but that it violates our inalienable freedom of speech (as it in fact, and obviously, does).

  • So… aren’t these wannabe twitter competitors going about the whole thing bass-ackwards?

    I saw a broadly similar article the other day about some sort of shakeup in the Mastodon board of directors.

    It’s as if they think the way do do an internet startup is to first appoint a board of directors and hire a raft of executives, then… um… you know… um… do some business… kinda… stuff…

  • I guarantee that the ADA works for whoever is the biggest source of revenue, and thus the biggest funder of executive salaries.

    That’s just how it is in a system of hierarchical organizations. The executive positions inevitably come to be held by people who have come to hold those positions because they were the most willing and able to do absolutely whatever it takes to fight and claw and scheme and backstab their way into them. And those people not only aren’t inclined to serve any interest other than their own - they necessarily aren’t even equipped to. If they had any actual integrity, decency or empathy, they wouldn’t have been able to do everything they did to win the competition for the position they now hold, and it would’ve gone to some other scheming, manipulating, self-serving psychopath.

    And thus, we end up with something like this. Inevitably.

  • What “entitlement?”

    I don’t expect anyone to start a web site or service or to give me or anyone else access to it at all, much less for free.

    I’m just making the very narrow point that when a company chooses to do all of that, and manages to make enough money to build a plush corporate headquarters on some of the most expensive real estate on the planet and pay its executives millions or even tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, then starts crying about not making enough money, that’s self-evident bullshit.

    If anybody’s acting"entitled" in that scenario, it’s the greedy corporate weasels who spend billions on their own privilege, then expect us to cover their asses when they come up short.

  • I expect a wave of internet users to get upset and call paying for used services “enshittification”, because people don’t realise how much running these AI models actually costs.

    I am so tired of this bullshit. Every time I’ve turned around, for the past thirty years now, I’ve seen some variation on this same basic song and dance.

    Yet somehow, in spite of supposedly being burdened with so much expense and not given their due by a selfish, ignorant public, these companies still manage to build plush offices on some of the most expensive real estate on the planet and pay eight- or even nine-figure salaries to a raft of executive parasites.

    When they start selling assets and cutting executive salaries, or better yet laying them off, then I’ll entertain the possibility that they need more revenue. Until then, fuck 'em.

  • Would you refuse to visit websites that force registration even if the account is free?

    I already generally do.

    What’s all the fuss about, you don’t care?

    I honestly don’t much care, but that’s because western civilization is circling the drain, warped and undermined at every turn by wealthy and powerful psychopaths, and it’s just not worth it to care, since there’s absolutely nothing I can do to stop them

    Is advertising a necessary evil in fair trade for content?

    Some sort of revenue stream is potentially necessary, but that’s the extent of it. Advertising is just one revenue stream, and even if we limit the choices to that, there are still many different ways it could be implemented.

    The specific forms of advertising to which we’re subjected on the internet are very much not necessary. And they don’t exist as they do because the costs of serving content require that much revenue - they exist as they do to pay for corporate bloat - ludicrously expensive real estate and facilities and grotesquely inflated salaries for mostly useless executive shitheads.

    Would this limit your visiting of websites to only a narrow few you are willing to trade personal details for?

    Again, that’s what I already do, so it would just add more sites to those I won’t visit.

    Is this a bad thing for the internet experience as whole, or just another progression of technology?

    At this point, the two are almost always one and the same. Internet technology is primarily harnessed to the goal of maximizing income for the well-positioned few, and all other considerations are secondary.

    Is this no different from using any other technology platform that’s free (If it’s free, you’re the product)?

    This is cynically amusing on Lemmy.

    Should website owners just accept a lower revenue model and adapt their business, rather than seeking higher / unfair revenues from privacy invasive practices of the past?

    Of course they should, but they won’t, because they’re psychopaths. They’ll never give up any of their grotesque and destructive privilege, even if that means that they ultimately destroy the host on which they’re parasites.